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10 Steps to Build a Boss Brand

Writer's picture: Katrina JuliaKatrina Julia

Updated: Jan 10, 2020

Are you having problems with building a brand? A blog?

Wellness entrepreneurship? A lifestyle brand?

You see so much noise out there, yet you can not seem to cut through the noise?

You struggle to set the foundation, stability, and growth no matter what you do?

You have no idea how to set up strategy, structure, and systems?

I get you. I was you once.

It is no secret we are challenged to find our voice, share our story, set up strategy and systems, and get results.

10 Steps to Build a Boss Brand

so you get clear on exactly how to step by step.

1. Passion and Purpose

Are you clear on who you are, what you love, what you have overcome, and where you want to impact? This is where it all starts. Without this, I would have never gotten clear with my branding.

It isn't enough anymore to simply build a business brand. It is necessary to build your own personal brand and align that to your business brand. It is more important than ever to share your story with authenticity and integrity.

2. Visual Matters

I am a big believer of done is better than perfect. At the same time, it is important to put forth effort and excellence! It shows when we half-ass anything. It’s simple to see when someone takes great care in a blog, social media feed, videos and more!

Think about how your social media, website, blog, freebies, and anything you offer is presented. Are your visuals intentional? Do they stand for something in your personal or brand story? Do your visuals align across multiple channels? Does your branding align?

Does your personal brand show who you are and integrate with your biz?

3. Exponential Exposure

In a world that can’t stop talking, it is key to stand out. Consistency matters. Creation matters. Themes matter. Community matters. All of it matters. Where can people find you?

It doesn't matter how amazing you are or your service is if no one can find you.

Some things to think about is how are you optimizing your blog for SEO? Do you have a backlink strategy? Are you on podcasts? Do you have a podcast? What about your social media strategy?

How about influencer marketing? I look at influencer marketing as simply word of mouth + creating community! The more people and platforms, the more exposure.

Keep in mind this takes time, and did not happen overnight! I've personally walked through all of this and continue to in every way.

In a world that can't stop talking, is anyone talking about you? Katrina Julia

Whats the snapshot of who you are and what you do?
Let's talk exponential exposure.

Photo credit: Leo Parias in Costa Rica

4. Content Creation

I see content creation as sharing our stories, experiences, and creating value. When you break it down with How To’s, Tips, Experiences, Stories, and community; content creation is easy. One of my favorite tools to create content with is Canva.

I equate content creation to the same way I would talk to a friend and explain something. This is how we create a relationship! The more consistently you create, the deeper relationships typically get.

People will trust you more because you show up! It’s simple, not always easy.

5. Vast Vision

The first four steps on 10 Steps to Build a Boss Brand jump start you to start executing. However, in entrepreneurship, it is key to have a vision. I love the proverb — without vision, people perish — Prov 29:18.

There will be times that you are doing the work, showing up, taking action, yet you “feel” like nothing is moving yet. That is the exact time that you stand firm. You keep getting better.

Keep in mind that typically the work you put in today, and in the current 90 days, does not show the results until 90 days+ later.

In a nutshell, it is “instant v. “delayed” gratification.

That is what separates the dreamers v. the doers.

That is what separates the “overnight successes” from the failures.

When we have a vision for our lives, it keeps us holding on when it is darkest before the dawn.

6. Purposeful Plan

Let’s tie the vision to the practical. I love Romans 5:4 “and endurance produces character, and character produces hope,

It is very easy for many of us to relate to this in ourselves and others.

Ask yourself how many times have you TRULY endured for your dream, desire, and vision no matter what? How many times have you been like a pit bull to where you will not quit?

Have you allowed your character to be refined through fire?

Have you found hope against all odds?

In my own entrepreneurship journey, I have been put (and continue to) be put through the refiner’s fire. There are many times, where I have quite literally felt the pain of being stripped of instant gratification, pride, greed, arrogance, ego, and so much more.

Without acknowledging your weaknesses, and choosing to change, you will only get so far.

Think about what education may serve you next. Is it lifestyle transformation? Is it in lifestyle entrepreneurship? In speaking? In communication? In digital marketing? In different tools?

Some of my transformation teachers have included Brendon Burchard, Chalene Johnson, Dani Johnson, Garrain Jones and Rachel Hollis to name a few.

I am constantly also researching different tools to simplify transformation and entrepreneurship. One of my favorites for planning is Bplans.

Learning online via blogs and podcasts are great. However, when is the last time you went to personal development or live event? When is the last time you created transformation and entrepreneurship hands-on with the community?

I believe there is nothing that may substitute in-person events regularly. This is why I am so passionate about personal development both for myself and what we create as well.

If you compare entrepreneurship to school, you will immediately understand when you consider the hours you spent in classrooms growing up.

Why would we think entrepreneurship would be any different?

7. Mastering Money

Many of you who have tuned in before have heard me talk about my crazy transformation in every area of life — including money.

This has included for years having the “credentials” and generating other 6+ figures, yet having my own money in chaos. That is why I am so passionate and convincing as an entrepreneur, it is necessary for us to master money.

To truly have freedom in all forms, we get to face all of our fears! I have numerous resources on this to help you.

I also continue to immerse myself with teachers like Dave Ramsey.

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

8. Create a Community

I used to struggle massively with knowing who I was, what community I wanted to work with, and so much more. Anyone else?

As a result, I created health, wealth, business, community, chaos, and freedom issues. The more I got clear, the more I created from a space of alignment and clarity and freedom. I also got clear that I am not for everyone. That is perfectly okay. When we realize that, we step into our power.

At the same time, we are meant to create with the community. We are meant to help others. We are meant to inspire, influence, and impact others. That is why I love now creating with the community.

It all flows now easier and easier because I know who I am, where my identity comes from, and what our community stands for.

Photo Credit: @psiloveweddings with @weekendvoyagers

9. Scale Smart

From the very beginning, is important to think about strategy, structure, and systems.

Get clear on what you want to create. Think about the foundation and flowing from social media to blogs/podcasts to freebies. From there, think about what you want to offer perhaps with online courses to live events and more.

It is important to take building a personal and/or business brand step by step. Beyonce wasn't built in a day.

10. Cultivate Celebration

Enjoy the journey. Celebrate every win. I get it. I am hard on myself as well. I have gotten to learn grace and presence and celebration and joy the last seven years like no other. It reminds me of how I was as a child. How or why do we lose that somehow? How or why do we become so serious and suck out the joy in our lives and the world? It is time to bring that back now. Our world desperately needs it.

Write down your wins. I keep track of them on an app — Focus Matrix, plus my journal, plus I write gratitude and prayers daily. I know this is an area I used to suck at so I focus on it ALL the time.

Those are 10 Steps to Build Your Boss Brand

This is not a one time and you are done approach. I repeatedly revisit these steps ALL the time!

By now, you see how these steps help you build your boss brand personally as well as your business brand.

Share with us what you loved and learned. Share with us what you applied and tag us on social @fitlifecreation @katrinajuliafit.

Lifestyle Entrepreneurship
Lifestyle Entrepreneurship





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