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Purpose to Profits

Writer's picture: Katrina JuliaKatrina Julia

What is purpose to profits you may wonder? It's giving purpose in what you do, who you serve, and how you manage money. I believe Passion and Purpose come before People and Profits. If you aren't serving from who you are inside, inevitably resentment may come. I know from personal experience and people I've served.


1) What do you love?

What did you love as a child?

What would you do for free?

What lights your soul on fire?

What brings you pure joy?

What fills you with pure love?

In a world that is getting nosier and busier, we have to get still long enough to listen.


Until I left Corporate America in 2011, it literally felt like half of me was here. From 2011-2013, I felt freer than I'd ever been, yet lost at the same time. Who am I? I asked myself? What am I here for? The answers began to show up in 2013-2015, when definitively I knew I was here to create a life I loved, and help others do the same. I am here to help people get healthy, make money, and build brands. I say that easily and effortlessly now, but the journey to get here was nowhere near easy.

My hopes are for you with this message, they are.


I found I had become so focused on people and profits in my prior 7 years, that I had lost site of my own passion and purpose. The reawakening began in 2013 layer by layer through the death of a best friend, risks in a relationships, a deeper relationships with our creator, healthier lifestyle, and so much more.


The results that became clear is that passion, purpose, people and profits must co -exist and in the right order. We must not lose compassion for ourselves + run over ourselves. If we do, we are bound to do it to others.



1) What do you love?

What did you love as a child?

What would you do for free?

What lights your soul on fire?

What brings you pure joy?

What fills you with pure love?

In a world that is getting nosier and busier, we have to get still long enough to listen.


2) What have you overcome?

We won't escape alive. Yet, we try to hide our battle wounds like something bad will happen if we let them out. It's the opposite. By letting out what we've overcome and sharing from a space of compassion, we not only free ourselves, but free others.

What happened in your childhood?

Is there anything you haven't told anyone?

Are there things you condemn yourself for?

Those are the very things that may help others be inspired by you for. To name a few examples, I was in an abusive relationship in my late teens to early 20's, my best friend passed, and I broke my foot last year. Your stories do not define you, they strengthen us if we let them. They allow us to share the human struggle with others.

3) What are your gifts, talents, and abilities?

What are the things that people always tell you that you are great at? Encouraging? Speaking? Learning? Teaching? Creating? Art? Order? Simplicity?

The gifts we have are endless. The more we create and share, the more come to us!

It's simple:

1) Identify your passions in life, and create from a place of love.

2) Integrate your story with your passions in serving to your purpose.

3) Serve those you are meant to you with the fullest extent of your gifts.

4) Purpose Your Profits in areas you want to give back and impact.


There are certain things that are easy for you, things you love, things you've overcome, and areas you want to impact. This is what I call Purpose2Profits.

I am able to have clarity around this because I started going through this transformation journey in 2010. It is a moment by moment process. I first walked through my passions, than my purpose, than now people and profits. Simultaneously, finding clarity in my spirit, my soul, my mind, and my body.

There are challenges at every level. The journey never ends. The beauty is the journey and the growth. We were designed and created to grow limitlessly.


You are here for a purpose. You matter. Everything you do matters. I am also a believer that nothing is by accident.

Just like others have inspired me, I hope this inspires you. I hope this inspires you to believe you are created to inspire others that may need to learn or hear things in your voice from you because of who you are, and all of your experiences.


Start creating from a place of love. Start with where you are. Enjoy the Journey.




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