We see the shifts of entrepreneurship all around. With the increasingly connected digital world we live in, it has made it easier to connect to more people. At the same time, facing fears from the inside out is a real thing. Making the leap on going all in on our own dreams may sometimes bring up fears we never knew we had!
Although, I was a side hustle queen (before the term even existed) from college on to 2010, I became painfully aware of many doubts, fears and insecurities I had when I became a full-time entrepreneur. These have included fear of success (yes despite my own results and helping others), fear of failure, fear of being seen to name a few. When I realized how irrational they can be it baffled me - how could I be a public speaker for 15+ years yet be terrified to get on camera (overcame this one last year)!. Our mind is powerful. It tries to protect us from harm or perceived harm. We get to learn how to reframe and overcome the imaginary fears!
I started reflecting several years ago on how to do this and how to help others.
When I first started building my brand, I was figuring it out. I went from having a consulting company for CEO's and CEOs to also doing nutrition to creating this lifestyle brand with health, wealth, and business all in one. There is always a part of figuring it out. Learn to embrace it. At the same time, strategy, structure and systems will help you calm your mind and build your boss brand step by step.
This made me start thinking about my own story of fears, doubts, insecurities which translated to overwhelm, complexity, and clutter....and not the results I wanted until I shifted into....
Build Your Boss Brand
Step by Step...
With Strategy, Structure and Systems
I started to realize that the same things I had applied to my corporate life rising to an executive was exactly the mindset of belief, results, and accountability to set up. Prior to being an entrepreneur, I had served in over 7 industries after graduate school in roles from Director to Analysts to a Chief Audit Executive alongside the C-Suite. For years, I had generated 7-9 figure results for others repeatedly, and maintained side hustles all along.
Yet, I found myself in 2014 (year three of being a full-time entrepreneur) on shaky ground. I found myself unclear on the next steps in my life and business. I had a consulting company (Inclusivitie) and it was doing great (almost six figures at that point), and now I had this blossoming business on social media. At the same time, I felt terrified and unworthy. I felt things were moving too fast and/or out of my control. For years as a CPA and with Corporate Support, I had a backbone outside myself. Yes, I ran side hustles and companies on the side. Yet, being full-time and being all-in is a completely different ball game.
I allowed myself to do something I hadn't done ever before - slow down, breathe, be patient, and get clear.
I began to get clear on strategy, structure, systems and the steps.
I began to get clear on not only my business (rolling my passions and purpose into an all in one lifestyle brand with health, wealth, and business in 1 - think AirBnb or Uber or Amazon of Transformation.); but also building a boss brand step by step.
Building a Boss Brand with strategy, structure, systems and steps helps us calm our fears and gives us a road map.
I was also super overwhelmed with being 100% responsible with no backbone. I realized though that I had been driving the results myself all along! Here is a sneak peak into our monthly mastermind and academy and insight into the Boss Brand!
I think we can all agree — creating a life and business you love involves elevating our energy when it comes to building. It involves changing our minds from all the lack, fears, and insecurities we have allowed when it comes to creating a life and business we love, making money, and giving back.
One of our focuses in our lifestyle platform is How to Build a Boss Brand, and teach others how to do the same.
I realized the incredible insight in dealing with the internal, and the stories we tell ourselves; as well as the practical and the How-To. I know first hand from not only having experience in over 7 industries and roles and generating others countless results, yet not feeling like I was worthy of freedom until the process within the last seven years, that no matter what external evidence shows up of abundance and wealth - we will not hold on to it - if we don't believe we are worthy of having freedom.
So, I've put together steps to Build a Boss Brand.
It is definitely spiritual and mental. It is also an art and a science. It is also accepting we have never arrived. There are always new levels of growth.
You, my friend, want to build your boss brand. You know that you may serve more, create more, grow more, and there has got to be a smarter way!
So, since you really want to be a Boss and build
a Boss Brand,
this post is for you.
In this blog post, I’m sharing highlights on the steps to building a boss brand.
This may help you whether you are simply trying to get a handle where you currently work for someone else, have a side hustle, are a long time entrepreneur, lifestyle entrepreneur, run a multi-million or multi-billion dollar company (I've seen brand building and scaling issues everywhere) or want any of these avenues to be your next move!
Plus, if you want to create a life and business you love - don't you owe it to yourself and your community to to invest the time to learn to be a better boss and brand builder?
Let's talk about the steps and how we may take action simply and clearly in Building a Boss Brand Step by Step.
1. Use Simple and Easy Tools
I've found in many years of working with industries ranging from retail to energy to education to consulting and more that the more we simplify with a tool and/or process, the better. I find that often ideas do not get launched or are not as successful as they could be due to over thinking, over complicating, and over or under communicating.
We often are not aware we are doing it (hello of course I have done this - #imhuman!)
It is very easy to get caught up in the day to day, to simply go with the flow, or do what everyone else is doing.
My go to questions in life and business are:
1) How may we make this better?
2) How may we innovate?
3) How may we simplify?
4) How may we scale?
The simpler and easier we make it, the faster you get results.
I have TONS of business tools!
I've highlighted two of my favorites to get you started!
a) Canva is an amazing free tool that allows you to do all things graphically and marketing wise! I use them for blogs, freebies, presentations, social media, guides, courses, academies and more! We also do hands on activities at our events!
b) LivePlan is an amazing business plan tool! I've used them for my own businesses, prior side hustles, and clients in over five industries generating up to 12 Million dollar results for organic growth and acquisitions!
This is also in our monthly mastermind, (we have a free 14 day challenge), academy, and we also do hands on activities at our events!