I started with influencer and brand collaborations in 2015 with FIT Life Creation. Officially, I started with them in 2000 when I co-created and led organizations with teams in college. In 2015, I started integrating the same things we implemented back then and within 7+ industries to the online, wellness, media and travel world with influencer marketing.
I've learned a ton and continue to every step of the way as an influencer and brand working with influencers, communities and brands.
Whether you are an entrepreneur, influencer, brand, or agency, 4 Influencer and Brand Collaborations You Will Love to Create Like a Boss will help you and your brand. You will get ideas to jump start influencer marketing collaborations, influencer management, and brand consulting and engagements for wellness, media, online and travel in 2021 and beyond.

Photo Credit Leo Parias Costa Rica
1 Media Partnerships with Brands and Communities
A great way to start with influencer and brand collaborations includes features and ongoing media partnerships with brands and communities.
Some examples to get you started include features with Kajabi, all-in-one marketing platforms, 3 Tips to Create Retreats with WeTravel, and increasing your online presence with Intellifluence, and virtual global travels with Wanderful to name a few. Ongoing media with brands who share features and/or collaborate or partner with you long term will help your authenticity, credibility, and results.
Examples include:
1 Content strategy and creation
2 Blog and show features
3 Social media posts, videos, lives, and stories
4 Community integration with influencers online and live
5 Travel spotlights with live solo travel and retreats

2 Online Course Features and Integrations with Brands, Communities and Entrepreneurs
Many entrepreneurs, communities and brands create online courses. It amazes me though the opportunities many do not see to connect, create and partner with online courses. When I started creating online courses in 2017, I cast the vision for both my online courses, as well as partnering short and long term.
I love to create and scale creating a life, business, and community I love. A great way is to integrate with online courses, online memberships and online summits.
To help increase your clarity some of our examples of this include Transforming Lifestyle with Global Wanderess, online platform features and partnerships, and pitch your business like a boss.
Examples include:
1 Online influencer collaborations
2 Ongoing features and partnerships
3 Management of priorities, collaborations and communities
4 Helping brands create and scale what they love.
3 Wellness Inspiration and Impacts with Entrepreneurs, Communities and Brands
You may or may not know I lost over 55 lbs over 5 years ago and have kept it off. My results and community led me to create and scale a life and business I love and help others.
This has involved impacting individuals and families in transformation, as well as implementing online and live wellness preventative care for communities and brands like WeWork, KidsII, and for Fortune 500 companies and CPAs.
Whether you are focused on wellness, online, media and/or travel like us, you may create inspiration and impacts with entrepreneurs and brands like we do with partners like Tailwind and Pinterest communities, and integrating platforms like Airbnb to name a few ideas.
Examples include:
1 Offering opportunities with wellness online and live
2 Launches for Influencer Management for those >25K
3 Pitching Like a Boss with Fortune 500, Non-Profits & Platforms

Brett Seeley Photo Credit
4 Transformation Retreats, Press Trips. and Placements for Entrepreneurs and Brands
I love to travel. Like some of you, I am literally born into adventure. I was born in Bulgaria, born in Poland, and in the USA before the age of two. I have traveled to 27+ countries and hosted 4+ global retreats. Needless to say, I love inspiring travel now and in the future.
Whether you are an entrepreneur, creator or brand, creating retreats, experiential campaigns like press trips, and placements for entrepreneurs and brands in your community with travel is a great way to showcase experiences with you.
Early on in creating FIT Life Creation, I knew I wanted to create transformation and travel retreats, press trips, and placements for entrepreneurs and brands. Since 2016, I and we have created experiences like global transformation retreats, online ongoing media, and partnering with communities and brands who want help to create and scale a life, business, and community they love.
Examples include:
1 Creating live experiences, workshops and retreats
2 Partnering with influencers to help showcase experiences
3 Outreaching for placements, partnerships and sponsorships with Fortune 500, Platforms and Travel Brands.
Influencer and Brand Partnerships Like a Boss
Influencer and Brand Partnerships Like a Boss likely has you loving the limitless possibilities with media, online, wellness, and travel.
Where would you love to inspire influence next? Will you increase connecting and creating with community with media and online? Are you inspired to increase your focus with wellness online and live? Do you see yourself growing with travel whether its with media and solo travel to start, or with creating experiences with travel like us?
No matter what you choose to create next, keep creating, transforming and inspiring.
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