No matter where you are in the world now, you are likely looking for more ways to create an online community you love in 2020. As a result, being intentional with your actions daily is more important than ever.
Side note: Isn't it surreal that is 2020 and what this moment in time looks like? None of us saw this coming, and it definitely reminded us all of our humanity, love, and priorities.
You may be looking to connect and create with an online community for yourself, and/or for your business. I'll be sharing insights for both, and communities I am a part of online now. We are all human and crave connection in many ways. If you have read the blog, or tuned in to the show before, you may have read or heard all about my 90 day plans.
If you haven't yet, they relate to seven steps to success for all areas of your life from the spiritual to the financial. I believe we crave growth in all areas, and in some seasons we have a focus area. At the same time, whether we acknowledge it or not, every day we are taking action in each area. However, your beliefs and behaviors may not be aligned with what you want.
Whether you are an entrepreneur, blogger, or work in corporate at home now, you will love the 7 Ways to Create an Online Community You Love in 2020.

Creating Community Highlights
Whether you are creating a community online or live like we have in Costa Rica above, Cuba, Atlanta, Spain and more, online to connect with family and friends, and/or want to grow your online community in your business, there are some things to keep in mind.
More than ever, express gratitude, joy and service. We all need and want more of it. Be the person who gives value no matter where you are and connect. Share your story and vulnerabilities with people.
Create communities online whether that is on social media channels, your own courses, collaborations online, and/or with brands. I am a huge believer of this, and you may see evidence of abundance, value and community everywhere.
When you do create community, aim to simplify, amplify, and scale often. I assess this daily and weekly. Like many creators and entrepreneurs, I started of as a solopreneur. In creating a community, we have grown not only with influencer marketing, but with our virtual assistants as well.
At the same time, years of yo-yoing between being an individual contributor in Corporate vs. managing teams of 100-1000+ have led to mindsets and habits I get to transform. Weekly, and often daily, I ask myself how may I automate, delegate and scale something? I ask how may I free up my time? These are so important to help you clear the clutter and reduce and eliminate overwhelm.
Today alone, I figured out how to scale our e-book and mastermind lifestyle transformation collabs further. Yesterday, I connected with a fellow Boss Babe in the Societe on having her refine, scale and automate my Pinterest further.
It is important to honor every area of you as a human. You are a human being, not a machine. That is why I regularly practice a 3 X 7 approach daily. This means I am tracking 3 actions in each area minimum daily. Of course, many overlap. At the same time, the area you are focused on requires more attention and focus. With time, previously hard areas get easy.
The main thing is spending time in silence with yourself and with God, or whatever you choose to believe. I have found that when I was unstable in my beliefs with God, I did not have peace or purpose or progression.
7 Ways to Create an Online Community
I'm sharing 7 ways to create an online community that aligns 100% to my 7 steps to success for a 90 day plan. You will learn how to think of online community now in every area of life. Perhaps, there is an area that requires more tender loving care right now.
That is what I find in each year of my life since 2010. My current focus is joy, while focusing on our community and online growth in our blogs, podcasts, courses, influencers, fundraisers, and brand consulting and engagements.
Maybe, you start with 1 action a day in each area. You choose. The same way this is my current approach and subject to change.
These 7 ways to create an online community will help you for creating a life and business you love.
1. Spiritual
I've learned that if my spiritual life isn't first in my life, many things start to misalign. I have learned in various seasons I require more time in silence, in prayer, and in nature. This is definitely one of those seasons for many reasons.
Since mid-2019, I have consistently:
Listened to praise & worship music (Hello Alexa!)
Prayed + meditated daily
Read the bible 2-4 times a day
Write Gratitude and Goals 2 times a day
Complete minimum 1 study each month
In the last month, I have added an increase of online communities both via YouTube and Zoom I plug into like Passion City Church, Transformation Church in Oklahoma, and Elevation Church.
In addition, I have volunteered to serve online in various ways. I believe it helps us all to always think of others too. I and we launched our IG Live: Create with Us Monthly series where we cover faith, wellness, marketing, business and travel with creators globally for an increase in connection.
Tips for You:
Choose 1-3 daily practices
Early am + right before bed
Align and create communities

2. Mental
Mental ties to being both the observer and participator in my mindset. I repeatedly ask am I focused on joy (Phil 4:8). I reflect and pray about the Fruits of the Spirit - Gal 5:22 - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control every single day.
Right now, peace is a priority for me daily. I've increased time in nature, prayer, and Bible reading. It helps me increase my peace in so many ways.
I am part of the Boss Babe societe as well where globally women are all encouraging one another. I love to see all the high vibes. We have calls regularly on mindset, co-working, and goals.
I am increasing ways to help others mentally with our freebies, courses, and collaborations too, especially in Facebook Groups and Influencer Marketing Platforms.
Tips for You:
Choose 1-3 daily practices to start
Invest time in prayer, meditation and reflection
Create ways to serve, add value, and give back
3. Emotional
We are human beings and we feel things. Sometimes we focus to our own emotional detriment on the negative, and what we cannot control.
One of my favorite verses is Romans 12:2 to be transformed by the renewing of my mind to test and approve God's good and pleasing perfect will.
One decision I made during this time is to continue to honor my habit of not watching the news now for 10+ years. I share in my 2020 Reflections as an Entrepreneur how I set discerning boundaries of reading 1-2 sources for <30 minutes two times a week about the pandemic. Keep in mind when you listen to something or someone that is fear-filled it is pouring into you.
In addition, I moderate and keep TV to a minimum. When I do watch TV, I ask is it feeding or hurting me. I give myself the freedom as well to unplug a half day or day a week to release any potential tension and create space.
Several times a week, right after I post and engage, I delete social media apps to remove temptations completely. I regularly and unapolegetically completely unplug from social media and e-mail. This is easy with our auto-responder and virtual assistants where I set a boundary of we will respond within 3 days or less, and outsourcing tasks.
For example, today is a writing day of 2+ posts and podcasting day. I did host an IG live earlier and share some stories, but my social is at a minimum today compared to yesterday. I have not checked e-mail today at all. Keep in mind our out of office answers 95% of questions and communicates our boundaries for responding to people.
In comparison, yesterday I shared numerous stories and IG lives via Instagram and Facebook. I actively contributed to over 15 Facebook Groups. I posted opportunities and collaborations via Facebook Groups and Influencer Marketing platforms including our own. By the end of the day and this morning, I felt drained.
Many people when they meet me think I am an extrovert. I used to think so. That mistake along with my desire to love and please people and lose myself cost me dearly many times. I discovered in 2012, I am an ambivert.
I love my alone time. I crave recharging time. I love connecting and creating a high vibe community. Afterwards, I definitely need some me time. I feel super charged now most of the time and connect with family via What's App several times a week. If you didn't know, my parents are in Bulgaria, my brother and family in Austria, and I have extended family everywhere.
Sometimes, I make time to send a quick message. I recently added fun lessons with my niece and nephew for 30 min to an hour. Today, we did a super fun scavenger hunt we all created together via What's App and each of them finding things around the house with clues from each of us. We added fun to the game by saying hot or cold. They loved it and I experienced so much joy!
Tips for You:
Choose 1-3 daily practices
Increase time alone in silence
Decrease negative intake
Focus on 1-2 areas next 30-90 days

4. Physical
Like many of us now, I have adapted my routine in several ways. On a day by day basis, I use Herbalife Nutrition and practice healthy habits. I shop at Trader Joes and Krogers and continue to time my meals every 2-3 hours. I cook things that are simple and easy as always.
I decided to increase my weekly walks to the park 3+ times a week to be in nature and move. Each of my walks range from four to seven miles. I added in running three times a week minimum. I am up to almost two miles each time.
Each time I run, I increase the distance by a minimum of a block. I do high intensity workouts at home, or at the park that I create and share via our free 14 day challenge and Creation Club Mastermind. I add in variety with apps like Tone it Up and Class Pass.
Before the pandemic, I consistently lift 5+ times a week and will again. I add in cardio, yoga, and dancing 3-5 times a month too. Here is a free meal plan, workouts, and supplement plan once you register and complete your wellness profile.
Tips for You:
Choose 1-3 practices or
1-3 habits to transform
Set up a routine and adapt
Align and/or create online community
5. Relational
I have increased my communication with family online via What's App regularly, as well as with friends in Atlanta, Houston and globally. Be compassionate and patient with yourself and others. We are all experiencing growth and challenges now. We are all in different parts of our journey. I remind myself regularly to remember when I was a certain way.
I choose joy. Phil 4:8
I recommend you do the same as we all crave connection and create that space for others too. I recently shared an idea of an online ladies night with one of our online groups too that will likely start this Saturday or next.
Tips for You:
Choose 1-3 patterns or
1-3 habits to transform
Add value where you are
6. Playful
Speaking of joy, this year my word is Joy. You may imagine I am challenged to be, create and bring the joy all the time. Yesterday, I did a dance video on TikTok. Today, I am walking in the park after this.
I laugh regularly and did with our IG live earlier with @strollaroundtheworld a ton. We experienced our connection break 5+ times and both kept such a joyful attitude. I loved experiencing that joy!
Choosing joy is found in small moments as well. I learned if you don't celebrate the tiniest moments, you will overlook celebrating huge moments too. I definitely used to.
I am focused on having more fun in all I do constantly whether its games online with my niece and nephew, laughing online, and/or bringing more joy like the Ladies Night idea.
There is always something to be grateful for.
Tips for you:
Choose Joy
Share Gratitude
Laugh More
7. Financial
Joy is my focus for this year. At the same time, Freedom is as well. I broke barriers in many ways with my freedom in 2019. I continue to face fears and overcome obstacles and opportunities in finances in various ways. This means expression, time, location and financial. Every day, I am peeling layers.
In 2020, I am focused on bringing joy, love and abundance in each and every moment. I am choosing to create and cultivate an atmosphere of abundance and attraction for community. So, whether you read this, listen to the show, grab a freebie, get in a course, do an IG live with us, experience a lifestyle transformation collaboration, build your brand with us or more, I am focusing on joy, abundance and freedom in everything.
As I broke through barriers last year, I realized where after college I allowed the world to take my joy, abundance, and value. I made a decision to transform all areas to create the community we desire.
These past several months have been incredible in witnessing fruit online with growth in every direction. It is also requiring peace and patience as I pursue potential in new ways.
I focus on creating community by increasing launches online with various avenues e.g. social, blog and podcast; increasing proposals for wellness, media, lifestyle, and travel; and scaling online with platforms and assistants to free up my time.
In the last month, this has included Bible study, E-book, and IG Live collaborations among others. I have aligned our press to new Airbnb Online Experiences and our own courses. I have increased promotion with Influencer management for brands and NOW for influencers.
If you didn't know, on the Create with Katrina Julia podcast, we have a 15+ episode series on influencer marketing and another one with 10+ episodes on social media between March - April of 2020 around episodes 240 or so.
I evaluate if I am publishing, partnering and promoting regularly, and I track metrics across platforms weekly. In addition, I feed myself trainings in each area of life like with Herbalife, BossBabe, and Financial Peace among others.
Each week, I identify new trainings in every area to challenge myself. For example, this week I signed up for Rise X Live with Rachel Hollis and additional speakers for May.
Tips for you:
Start your morning powerfully
Set up time and day blocking
Assess your time relentlessly
Get focused on 3-5 actions daily
Set up weekly goals or KPI's
If you would love a free 90 day plan Facebook Group, join us!
There is a free 90 day plan guide via freebies too!

7 Ways to Create Community
From the spiritual to the financial. you may create online community now more than ever. Connecting with family and friends via Facetime and What's App is at your fingertips. There are so many ways for you to create, transform and inspire online.
By following 7 Ways to Create Community Online in 2020 You Love, you will transform and inspire yourself and others. What will you take action on next?
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