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7 Ways to Loving You and Your Business

Writer's picture: Katrina JuliaKatrina Julia

It is possible to love yourself and your business every day. The world may seem focused on one day to focus on you and your love on Valentine's. If we are focusing on love one day out of year in our hearts, our lives and businesses, we may be missing something.

You may be in a spot where you think life is pretty good or okay; or you may feel hopeless in an area of life. Wherever you are, there is love that wants to enter every single area of your life and business.

I know first hand because for years, I focused on the external vs. the eternal and internal. Perhaps, you feel hopeless in your mind, your health, and your relationships. Maybe, you feel frustrated in your community and business?

What area of you and your heart may not be filled with love? How could what is happening internally be spilling over to an area externally? Which belief and behavior could you transform from the inside out to love?

How could you choose to believe and feel more love in every way? My favorite verse is 1 John 4:18 - Perfect Love Drives Out All Fear. After finishing a series on Fear to Faith, I think this is a perfect way to transition to focus on transformation in health, wealth, and business. It is definitely divinely directed.

Are you struggling spiritually?

Do you feel depression and anxiety mentally?

Have you felt hopeless in your health?

Are your financial fears plaguing you?

How do you desire to build your business?

What type of community do you want to create?

I understand the struggle. I have walked from fear to faith and corporate to calling. In this series, Be Loved, I am sharing 7 Ways to Loving You and Your Business for every day.


Eight years ago, I "woke" up. I am amazed at how misaligned I became to my passion and purpose. Yet, each and every action is used in some way, shape or form today.

My transformation story, like yours, continues to evolve.

Over the last eight years, I went from:

Fear to Faith

Devaluing to Purity

Self Hate to Love

Corporate to Calling

Lies to Love

Bondage to Freedom

Step by step, transforming my health, business, travel, time, and wealth. I lost over 55 lbs (with healthy habits, Herbalife Nutrition, and meal bags). I felt drawn to a desire years ago I thought was dead with inspiring with fitness and competing; as well sharing gifts, talents, and abilities with wealth and business.

Part of my story, includes serving in over 7+ industries in strategy, finance, and operations.

Most importantly, I've learned to be loved in the process and the pain to purpose. I know it isn't easy to learn to love. Many of us were not taught readily to receive love. A ton of us have misguided information from external sources on what love is, and what it means.

Something that spoke to my heart years ago at Camp Pretty Place was a scripture in the outdoor cathedral.

Jeremiah 31:3... I have drawn you with an everlasting love.

As I began to learn love from an eternal perspective, everything changed and continues to.

Disclaimer: average person who consumes Herbalife loses .5 to 1 a week with healthy active lifestyle.

7 Ways to Loving You

7 Ways to Loving You and Your Business, I'll share insight from jump starting transformation to smart social to money maker and more. You'll get spiritual, practical and tactical guidance for your life and business. It's all intertwined. Stop separating it.

Think about it, when you feel depressed or anxious, it impacts your money and business and vice versa. When we don't take care of your body, you don't have the energy to function with high performance. People often ask me how do I have the energy I have.

It starts with my morning routine and putting first things first with God. It continues with taking care of my body and fueling it properly. I haven't drank alcohol for 5+ years. I eat healthy all the time. I want my body to function at peak performance. I need it to for the vision for my life. I won't settle for anything less anymore. For years, I did.

The love we feel or don't feel for ourselves starts with how we treat ourselves. Ask yourself how do you abuse yourself? How are you treating yourself with hate vs. love? Consider how this is impacting your mind, money and business.

7 Ways to Loving You are what I practice daily now. I didn't get here overnight. I am a fighter. A fighter for love and freedom in all forms. You can be too.

Simply Start.

Loving You and Your Business

Lifestyle transformation and entrepreneurship includes health, wealth, and business. It includes the daily choices and disciplines you make now in every area of life. This includes your external influences and your time.

I will share insights into my transformation, as well as tips, tools and technology to help you create a life and business you love.

Be Loved series highlights the song by Christy Nockels. I first heard this song at a Worship Circle event in Atlanta, GA. It deeply touched me, and I currently listen multiple times daily. At first, I was integrating a old school song for the title of this series. Then, I was reminded of Be Loved.

What if we constantly focused on transforming our mind, feelings and behaviors to love in each area of life? How would it look if we focused on what we desire vs. what we don't. Imagine if we spoke life into our circumstances and situations vs. defeat.


1. Jump Starting

When I first started transforming my health, I focused on changing and replacing 1-2 habits monthly. This helped make things easier. I learned when we change and replace 1-3 behaviors monthly to jump start transformation this creates lasting results. The same applies to our mind, money and business.

For example, if you haven't looked at your money or what you spend in months or years, a first step would be looking at it A second step would be creating a budget. Then, a third step taking action. Make sense?

Some of my favorite tools to loving you and jump starting include tools like Herbalife Nutrition, 6 Pack Meal Bags, and Class Pass. I love money and business plan tools like Mint and Kajabi to name a few. We include freebies even when you create with our community in the Free 14 Day Challenge!

These tips, tools and tech will help empower you on how simple transformation may be. You want to think about low hanging fruit as well. This means any small changes you know you can make in health, wealth, or business right now that are right in front you.

Loving you and your business start with small steps.

Jump Start
Jump Start

2. Unleashing You

Do you feel free? Are you expressing yourself fully? How is your expression, time, and location freedom? Do you get to create community with like-minded people? Are you excited daily about what you are creating?

Years ago, I started to see how I settled. I saw clearly how I did not live aligned to a purposeful and joyful life. Ask yourself do you have a vision for your life beyond today, this month or this year?

Have you ever written down your vision for your life?

I did this in college regularly and started doing it again in 2011. This alone led to massive transformation over time. Now, I write daily my top 10 goals for the next decade as one way I win my day as an entrepreneur.

Think about how you could love you and your business more with the time you invested in the mornings alone.

Unleash Imspiration
Unleash Inspiration

3. Clearing Clutter

With transformation, comes clutter to clear. Take a look at your phone. How many apps do you have? What notifications go off all the time? I keep my phone on silent at all times and notifications off.

When I am working on something like this blog post and podcast, I keep my phone away from me.

How do you treat your work? Do you respect it? If you don't, how will someone else?

What about your environment? Get real and take an honest look around you. What does your car look like? How about your house? When is the last time you cleaned your closet or gave something away?

Your environment reflects gratitude and contentment...or not.

I believe our clutter externally reflects clutter internally and vice versa.

So, for example think about your spiritual, mental and emotional life. What triggers do you experience in space in any way, your stuff, or your sanity in those areas? For example, what boundaries do you have (or don't have) around your mornings, community and time?

The same goes for your physical, playful and financial life. What or who are you allowing to clutter your life spiritually, mentally or physically? Do you bury your head in the sand and not address things head-on? Have you learned to submit and surrender things or people that are not up to you to transform?

How far are you willing to go to create a life and business you love? What will you create? What will you clear?

4. Transformation Time

When you start to focus on transformation, it may seem overwhelming. With time to transform, the intention is for you to take action. What is the next area of your life that you know will require extra love?

Focus on 1-3 actions today to start

Every single day now, I practice what I call the Seven Steps to Success (Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, Physical, Relational, Playful and Financial).

In each of the seven areas, I take 3 actions daily every. single. day now at a minimum. This took time to get to but now I find this second nature and even get to 3-7 actions some days in each area.

If it doesn't challenge you, it won't change you.

5. Smart Social

Social media is an incredible resource and tool to connect with people, create community and build a business. At the same time, how much time do you spend on. social media and for what purpose?

Are you mindlessly scrolling every single day comparing your life to someone else's five seconds they posted? STOP. This is your life. This is your time. Don't allow your mental state to get into comparisonitis.

Don't you think you owe it to yourself and your family to invest your time wisely on the planet?

I implemented several points of practical accountability like reviewing the time tracker on Apple to make sure I am decreasing my time. In addition, I recently added a step of deleting Instagram and Facebook as soon as I post on the app, and engage in a few key accounts.

For some of you this may sound extreme. However, the average person spends weeks on social media in a year. I refuse to spend more time than is essential. A few weeks ago, I noticed how I would spend extra time sometimes in between doing things going to the app.

I realized by deleting the app immediately after posting and engaging, it would create a trigger to stop me from going to the app needlessly. I used to spend about one hour to 1.5 hours daily on social. I've now cut down to <30 min daily gaining over three hours weekly for things like writing an e-book.

Ask yourself are you posting to inspire and getting off? Or are you scrolling? Do you invite to something? How are you building your business?

Think about how effective and efficient you are with social media, blog, email and website. This all ties to being smart. With social media specifically, are you automating and delegating? Do you use tools like Canva, IFTTT, and Later Media?

How much money do you generate with social media? Be wise in your work. Invest in the time and explore other avenues to build your business like creating an online course.

Get Smart with Social Media
Get Smart with Smart Social

6. Money Mindset

Every day, we get to live with three constants - health, wealth, and people (that includes ourselves). When you read this section title, how did you feel? Did you get excited or the opposite?

Money, like everything else requires practice and progression. To make and manage money like a boss, will require forgiveness for yourself and others.

My crazy transformation includes every area of life — especially money. This area of life highlighted a ton of ways I didn't love, value or respect myself. Externally, this resulted in having the “credentials” and generating other 6+ figures, yet having my own money in chaos.

That is why I am so passionate in helping you transform your money mindset. Get real with yourself.

What is your money mindset like?

Do you focus on abundance or lack?

How do you create or complain?

Are you giving or selfish?

Do you feel like you are enough?

What's your spending like?

When is the last time you did a budget?

How often do you look at your budget?

Do you give regularly? What % of income?

People talk about a 6 Pack of Abs.

My philosophy is BOTH - Abs and a 6 Pack of Wealth.

There is a podcast, blog and free guide on this, as well as a 6 Pack of Wealth highlights in our Free 14 Day Challenge in the Creation Club: Monthly Mastermind.

6 Pack of Abs? How about a 6 Pack of Wealth too?
6 Pack of Abs? How about a 6 Pack of Wealth too?

7. Brand Build

Building a brand - personal brand, business brand, or both - is not for the faint of heart. Building a brand and business shows lack of love with have with ourselves and others including our time, giving and money to name a few.

Brand building takes a firm foundation, strong stability, and gradual to gigantic growth. This takes faith in every way. If you are fearful, you won't take risks. Moving from fear to faith is essential to grow in life and business.

With brand building, consider what strategy, structure and systems you have. Do you love your business like it's your baby or a hobby you could care less about?

Think about what education may serve you next. Is it lifestyle transformation? Is it in lifestyle entrepreneurship? In speaking? In communication? In digital marketing? In different tools?

What about coaching?

Learning online for free is great. I value it highly and do it daily. However, when is the last time you invested in your own education? What about attending a live event? When is the last time you created transformation and entrepreneurship hands-on with the community?

In building a boss brand, I translated > 10 years of experience in over 7+ industries to build a lifestyle brand. I invest continuously in social media, digital marketing and influencer marketing online and live extensively.

Loving me and my business along with leaps of faith led me to connecting with brands like WeWork, MindBody, AirBnb to name a few. I believe that nothing substitutes live events and community. This is why I am so passionate about about workshops, events, and retreats.

If you compare lifestyle transformation and entrepreneurship to school, you will immediately understand with the hours you invested over a lifetime.

Why would we think building a brand would be any different?

Build a Boss Brand
Build a Boss Brand

7 Ways to Loving You

Loving you and your business is a journey. It's the daily actions that add up over time to create a life and business you love. Whether it's transformation in your mind, money and/or business, it's all possible depending on the choices you make.

How could you love yourself and your business more? What will you take action on next?

Do you want to feel more love mentally and financially?

How about time, location, and financial freedom?

Are your choices aligning with what you want to create?

Each and every single step matters.

If you love this post, you'll love 2020 Vision: Year Ahead.



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