Can you believe it is 2020?! I remember 2010 like it was yesterday, yet it feels like a lifetime ago. You may have heard about 90 day plans. Perhaps, you have tuned in to my posts on 90 day plans?
Maybe you are ready to increase your results in every area of life. You want to know how to simplify health, wealth and business. Your desire is time, location and financial freedom. Yet, you aren't exactly sure how to set yourself up for success.
I completely relate.
In college and in corporate, I was successful with 90 day plans in my moving the needed in career and business. However, I did not start doing 90 day plans that covered area of life until 2015. In 2015, my vision blew up for my life. There were several challenges in setting goals and getting results that came up like alignment, timing, and consistency.
As I successfully lost over 55 pounds I began to see the best ways to increase results by aligning faith, feeling and focus. Disclaimer avg. person loses .5 to 1 lb. a week with healthy active lifestyle with Herbalife.
With each and every 90 day plan I complete, I learn more and more. My 90 Day Plan now is based on seven steps to success.

90 Day Plan Highlights
As I grew spiritually, mentally, and emotionally, I developed a strategy for the 90 day plan. This currently includes seven steps of your life. The areas include spiritual, mental, emotional, relational, playful, financial, and physical.
In 2016, I realized I was my happiest when I was making forward movement in every area of life. At the same time, I recognized that there are periods of intense focus in an area to shift it exponentially.
That is a lot of 90 day plans. I regularly practice a 3 X 7 approach daily. This means I am tracking 3 actions in each area. Sometimes they overlap of course. If this is your first time with my 90 day plan, take a look at the last 90 day plan.
The main thing is I refuse to quit on me and on the passion, purpose, and people no matter what. So, if you relate, you will love to see the latest and greatest 90 day plan and the seven steps,
7 Steps to Success
I'm sharing 7 steps to success for a 90 day plan. You will learn how to set yourself up for success in each area of life. Perhaps, you love the 3 X7 approach. Yet, there is an area of life that requires more tender loving care right now.
That is what has happened to me each year. For example, as I built other areas of my life to habits now, they are easier. At the same time, this year my word is Joy and a great focus is on experiencing joy.
Maybe, you start with 1 action a day in each area. You choose. The same way this is my current approach and subject to change.
Tip: I recently started waking up at 4:30am (adjusted 30 min earlier from July). This massively helped shift my focus combined with my morning routine and the extra time. I added a 5 am telegram group to increase my own accountability.
You are welcome to join us for daily motivation if you are ready to stay consistent to waking up!
Let's get into the 90 Day Plan: 7 Steps to Success.
1. Spiritual
I've learned that if my spiritual life isn't first, nothing else flows and grows. My morning and night routines are non-negotiable and continue to evolve.
Since end of July, I have consistently:
Listened to praise & worship music (Hello Alexa!)
Prayed + meditated daily
Read the bible 2-4 times a day
Write Gratitude and Goals 2 times a day
Complete minimum 1 study each month
I also realized I wanted to add in 2 minimum joy experiences weekly and to be spontaneous.
This month, I added daily visualization activities and focused meditations on key areas as well.
I've added communities since October for alignment and accountability. I'm now part of Passion City community groups and the host team as an example.
Tips for You:
Choose 1-3 daily practices
Early am + right before bed
are particularly important
Align to communities
2. Mental
Mental ties to being both the observer and participator in my mindset. I repeatedly ask am I focused on joy (Phil 4:8). I regularly tune in to see if my faith, feelings and focus are aligned to Fruits of the Spirit - Gal 5:22 - love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control.
Right now, peace is a priority for me daily. I've increased time in prayer and reflection exponentially including journaling and visualization.
Tips for You:
Choose 1-3 daily practices
Think of 1 area to improve
Invest time in prayer, meditation and reflection
3. Emotional
We are human beings and we feel things. Sometimes our emotions are spot on to truth and sometimes they reflect an area to heal.
One of my favorite verses is Romans 12:2 to be transformed by the renewing of my mind to test and approve God's good and pleasing perfect will..
Tips for You:
Choose 1-3 daily practices
Think of 1 area to improve
Focus on 1-2 areas next 30-90 days
4. Physical
Many of you knowI lost over 55 lbs with the help of Herbalife Nutrition, healthy habits, and meal bags in 2013-2014. In 2014, I started competing in fitness shows. I competed consistently for 2 years+. I knew years of unhealthy habits plagued me so I wanted the accountability to stay on track. Then, I broke my foot surfing.
This impacted me on every level in 2016. I rebuilt habits step by step 2016-2018 again. I competed again in 2018. Early in 2019, I decided to be in a monthly challenge even though we run our own lifestyle challenge. It provides daily accountability with community and is super helpful. I now challenge myself to be self accountable with bi-weekly pics before I compete again in 202o.
I am consistently lift 5+ times a week. I add in cardio, yoga, and dancing 3-5 times a month too. I am now adding our Herbalife Nutrition BCAA, CR7 and Prolessa Duo to increase results and recovery. Here is a free meal plan once you register and complete your wellness profile.
Tips for You:
Choose 1-3 practices or
1-3 habits to transform
Add in new challenge
5. Relational
I am learning to improve communication in all ways. For my last 90 day plan, I focused on being softer, yet more assertive. I focused on being open to love as my Creator leads. Making more friends is what I am practicing as well.
One of my posts, I talk about overcoming domestic violence.
For this 90 day plan, I am focusing on how clear, compassionate and graceful I am with myself and others.
Tips for You:
Choose 1-3 patterns or
1-3 habits to transform
6. Playful
Years ago, I was a workaholic to the detriment of my wellness and relationships. As I result, I am hyper aware now if I am making time for myself and to play. I found my identity in what I did or how I performed and not in who God says I am.
With my love of travel, fitness, and content creation, I have found several global opportunities I am exploring for 2019-2020. My vision for this year includes 8+ countries and a mission trip in Los Angeles.
In 2019, I got to go to Mexico and Bulgaria. Mexico evolved as part of the service I do as a Community Manager with Airbnb in Atlanta.
To help you see how I am creating content while I travel (and in general), take a peak at How to Create Content Like a Boss.
For the next 90 days, I am focused on having more fun in all I do and 2 different activities weekly. Some of the ways I do this includes yoga, sauna and nature walks.
Tips for you:
Add Fun Daily
Take a Staycation
Make Business Fun
Plan 1-3 Activities
7. Financial
Freedom in all forms is my focus for 2019 and beyond. Gal 5.1. This means expression, time, location and financial. Every day, I am peeling layers in every way. In 2020, my focus is on joy in the middle of it all.
These past three months have continued to test me in faith, feeling, and focus. At the same time, I am amazed at the leaps of faith.
Some of these have included being seen on platforms like Boss Babe, submissions via Global speaking, and proposals well over 6 figures in 2020 alone via launches online and live, and via brands and influencers for engagements and management for wellness, media and travel.
I've continued since end of October:
Increasing launches online and live
Magnifying community via various avenues
Submitting aligned proposals for wellness, media, lifestyle, and travel
I simplified and amplified my block times and days by taking aligned action daily:
Mondays - Fridays:
Weekly Series on Blog
Daily Podcast Episode & Social Post
Publication of Book on Amazon >2 X Monthly
Contribution to Aligned >7 FB Communities
Accelerated Partner and Proposal Outreach
Added Recently
Outsourcing 5+ tasks weekly
Connecting deeper levels with community
Creator series increasing on blog & podcast
Influencer management for brands and NOW for influencers
Weekly campaigns on platforms and communities
Weekly Activities Tracking:
Minimum 2 posts and 5+ podcast episodes
1+ Campaign posts via 3+ platforms
1+ publication with ebooks via Amazon
1-2 guest posts for others externally with guest links
1-2+ submissions to be a guest on blog/podcast
Lifestyle & Wellness
>2 Updates to Mastermind and Courses
Outsourcing tasks
>5 Weekly Proposals >$15,000 - $100,000
>2 Features or Platform Listings
>2 Large COI to speak / media
Assess Retreats and Workshops
Currently in several communities for growth & accountability
Faith - Bible, Study, Community Group Church, Passion City and Transformation Church
Physical - 5+ Weekly Workouts and Pics
Business - Herbalife Global Nutrition, Societe with BossBabe, Airbnb, Rising tide Society,
Finances - Financial Peace University & serving
to name a few.
Each week, I identify new trainings. For example, this week with BossBabe community, I am focusing on SEO training. Earlier today, I completed trainings with Amanda Frances online in money.
Monthly Goals Tracking
I set goals for the month and push myself to achieve them in a week and a day.
Weekly - Monthly - Daily Goals Tracking:
>7,000 DVP with Herbalife
>1 New Center of Influence
>7 Proposals for Brands
>2 External Media Features
>7 New clients/VIP Members
>7 New distributors/Influencers
Tips for you:
Start your morning powerfully
Consider the 5 am club. strongly.
Set up time and day blocking
Assess your time relentlessly
Get focused on 3-5 actions daily
Set up weekly goals or KPI's
If you would love a free 90 day plan Facebook Group, join us!
There is a free 90 day plan guide via freebies too!

90 Day Plan
90 day plan helps you level up in all ways. By taking action in any of these steps, you will transform your life. Commit for you and the impact you have on countless others.
What will you take action on in the next 90 days or less?
If you love this post, you will love getting and staying healthy like a boss.
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