Scaling your business may be something you have read about, want to do, and/or are doing. If you are anything like me, you want to pursue purpose to help people on the planet. We all know it isn't always easy managing ourselves, let alone figuring out how to automate and scale your business like a boss.
Whether you are a 9-5er, side-hustler, entrepreneur, or brand, 2020 has changed the game when it comes to us all being online more than ever. Not only that, it has accelerated the focus of online course creation, online summits, as well as online memberships and masterminds. These all inevitably lead to exploring ways to automate and scale your business.
Maybe you are increasing your online presence with a blog, show, freebies, and online courses already. However, you find yourself inundated with administrative tasks, and not automating and scaling your business like you want to. You aren't exactly sure how to automate and delegate, and which tools to transform your online business. You are not alone.
For 10+ years, I worked in 7+ industries in strategy, structure and systems with roles from Financial Analyst to Consultant. I regularly automated and scaled in industries like consulting, accounting, energy, education and retail. I implemented automation and delegation with systems, processes, and people impacting the bottom line anywhere from $2,000,000 to $10,000,000 every year. All during this time, I did business plans, and consulting on the side as well.
All along the way, I invested in education in undergrad, grad school, and later in certifications in fitness, finances, and business. When I became a full-time entrepreneur in 2011, the educational investments continued. I invested in online memberships, masterminds, and live events with Brendon Burchard, Chalene Johnson, Strategic Coach, Herbalife, Boss Babe, and Dani Johnson among many others.
It amazes me when people think they will fully realize their vision as entrepreneurs and business owners without any learning, transformation and investment. As of this writing, I am currently in Bethany Hamilton's Unstoppable Year, and Tommy Newberry's Achieving Optimal Monthly. I share this to say that prayer, wisdom, investments, and people have led me here.
Most importantly, applying and sharing what I learn all the time whether it's here on the blog and show, online courses, live events, and in influencer management and brand consulting.
In the past year, I have scaled 100+ tasks via automation and delegation. Within the last five years, I have automated and delegated over 75% of systems and processes. A mindset of innovation, simplification, and application is required to automate and scale your business like a boss.
Automate and Scale Your Business
Automate and Scale Your Business Like a Boss will help you with outlining your automation and delegation, tools to use, and ways to scale your business.
How I feel about helping you Automate and Scale Your Business Like a Boss!

Photos by Brock Atlanta
Start Automating & Scaling Your Business Easily
Figuring out how to start automating and scaling your business may seem complicated. Let me simplify if it. for you. It's key to prioritize your tasks, break them down in 3-5 steps, and automate and delegate step by step.
Outline Tasks to Scale
Prioritize Tasks by Impact & Ease & Cost
Schedule Automation & Delegation
Identify Your Tools & Tech
Scale & Learn All the Time
Creating a life and business you love is like a dance between faith and action. You may journal a list that will keep you busy for 5+ years (like mine did!) and take actions this week on 3-5 of the items. This will lead to lessons learned and more ideas to improve how you automate and scale your business.
Getting to over 75% of your business automated and scaled does not happen overnight. It is a journey that never ends. I still automate and delegate 1-5 tasks every single week now. As I create, I immediately consider how to outline the process for both our community in our summit and online courses, as well as for automation and delegation purposes.
Start Simple!
Take Action!
Outline Your Tasks to Scale
Outlining your tasks to scale is easy. Grab a journal or your notepad on your phone. You will need it.
Think of what tasks you do daily that are not needle movers in your life and/or business. Consider what you are doing daily that perhaps is not the best use of your time.
Decide what you want to focus your time on, how you will serve, who you want to help, and ways you impact. You will find like I have that when you focus 80% of your time on things that are aligned with your purpose, it becomes clear on how to take those items and scale them across platforms and people.
For example:
1 I knew I wanted to focus on helping people create a life and business they love.
2 I decided I wanted to serve with health, wealth, business online & live with tips, tools & tech.
3 I identified problems worth solving of clarity, simplicity & convenience all in 1 for entrepreneurs & brands to create with wellness, marketing, business & travel.
4 I increased clarity on serving those in corporate & 9-5 who want all in 1 solutions, social media gurus & influencers who want help on building a brand and monetizing, and brands who want help with solutions for their brands and teams.
5 I determined the best use of my time included speaking online & live, events, and training.
6 Each and every day, I automate and scale tasks to free up time and increase my focus.
7 I constantly learn and refine my approach in creating and community.
Use the same 7 steps to identify your focus, how you serve, problems you solve, who you want to help, and your focus areas. Determine what tasks do not align to those focus areas, and begin to automate and delegate. Keep in mind, I did not arrive here. I started like we all do, one task at a time.
Start where you are. Identify tasks that don't align like I did.
Some examples include:
1 Finding contacts for Fortune 500 companies & Travel Brands
2 Identifying new influencer marketing resources & platforms
3 Searching for agents for my upcoming books to send proposals
4 Updating templates on Canva for Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest
5 Sharing on social channels like Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest
6 Create freebies and automate opt-ins and emails
7 Create & launch online courses & scale launches
These tasks are all important and impact different parts of my business. For example, the contacts lead to connections for travel and brand consulting. The influencer marketing platforms lead to more places we may create and launch influencer marketing campaigns. The agents will lead to upcoming book deals. Being present on social channels is important in order to increase online presence.
Of course, our freebies are important and help create a relationship with people. At one point, I created the templates, recordings, and videos. I do update them regularly which ties into priorities of speaking. However, over 95% is now already done. This gives you an idea of how things may transition.
At the same time, these specific tasks are not the BEST use of my time. They did require my time at some point to identify, outline, and create a process. However, in order to increase focus and simplify, it is key to release the good for the great all the time.

Prioritize Your Tasks to Scale
Once you identify your tasks to scale, prioritize them. I prioritize tasks by focus, impact, and ease. I consider if I may need to do something for a season to work out the challenges before I automate and/or delegate.
Examples would include:
1 Delegating Canva templates to a VA is easy. Create the template & outline 1-5 steps.
2 Determining what system you will use for your freebies & online courses.
3 Identifying parts you will create and automate vs. delegate in the system.
4 Deciding if you will invest in program to help you create & launch an online course.
5 Outlining which platforms are best for you for what & what contacts you need & delegating.
Determine what you will create and scale daily, weekly, monthly, and annually. How, what, and when I automate and scale now is dramatically different than it was years ago. I automate and scale my business like a boss numerous things with tools like Kajabi for our online memberships and courses.
I have scaled and delegated over 100 tasks this year via Okay Relax and Efficise Virtual Assistants. I currently use Efficise 100% and love the simplicity, service, and solutions they offer.
We cover the 411 more in depth in our CREATEIT summit and monthly mastermind as well.

Schedule and Scale
Once you identify your priorities, schedule and scale.. This includes aligning your tasks to projects and launches to help you flow. I use my journal, Google Calendar, and Meister Task to help me project manage across 7 areas. I call these 7 areas - Create 7 - they include Launches, Community, Clearing, Scaling, Project, Series, and Media.
Determine what you will schedule and scale and constantly learn. Creating a life and business you love requires vision, faith, and action. Five years ago, I had a vision to get here with scaling.
Last week, I wrote out a vision and next level scaling plan for the next 3+ years. A big part of my motivation to automate and scale business like a boss includes taking a sabbath year and traveling 21-22. This involves taking my work week down to 3-10 hours with everything flowing with ease.

Identify Tools to Automate and Scale Your Business
There are numerous tools to automate and scale your business.
I have used Wix, Kajabi, Patreon, Okay Relax, and Efficise to name a few.
Overwhelmingly, I have used Kajabi now for 3+ years.
I would easily say over 90% of our online business and functions flow through Kajabi.
However, I would share that if I was starting now, I would scale your tasks related to online presence initially, scale templates and tasks on Canva, and delegate loading into online course platforms to give you some ideas.
No matter where you are #CREATEIT NOW.
Patreon is a platform for all types of creatives that may create a page with tiers for patreons to create with you and pay at various levels. Patreon offer's extensive guidance and ideas to help you automate and scale.
It's a great way to scale with exclusive content, Ask Me Anythings, Sneak Peeks and more. The lower price point and barrier to entry will help you build confidence and grow faster.

Kajabi is an all in 1 marketing platform. With Kajabi, you may create your blog, website, landing pages, freebies library, automations, courses & mastermind, community, influencer marketing collaborations, Influencer management, and brand engagements.
Kajabi has a depth that not everyone uses it for.
These are some of the many ways I have used Kajabi, and teach others.
With this all in one marketing platform, the possibilities are limitless.
Scale & Learn All the Time
No matter where you are, start scaling and learning all the time. Every step you take matters. No step is too small. I recommend starting with scaling 1-5 things every single week and learning.
Another way I started scaling recently again is with Interns to help us with media, wellness, online & travel. Years ago, I managed intern programs with corporations and was divinely reminded to start again.
The journey does not end while we are alive in any way, shape or form.
With an online business, courses, and membership, I have learned a ton.
To scale, I recommend you:
1 Align your social media
2 Tie in your blogs & shows
3 Automate & delegate online & live
4 Identify needle-movers & focus
5 Partner with influencers & partners
And no matter what, keep scaling and and learning
Scale Your Business Like a Boss
No matter what business you are in, scaling your business like a boss will help free up your time and increase your results. You may identify where your time is most valuable, and automate and scale your business like a boss with the other areas step by step.
Think about exactly what you will do next to automate and scale. What task and technology is next for you to #CREATEIT
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FIT Life Creation: Lifestyle Brand: Health, Wealth, Biz in 1
Think Amazon Meets Airbnb for Transformation with
Influencer Marketing (Revolve / Like it to Knowit) and Fundraising Twist.
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