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Devaluing to Purity: Fighting for Freedom

Writer: Katrina JuliaKatrina Julia

No one imagined our 2020 being like it is. Sure, many of us were up for the unknown. We never imagined restrictions on freedoms you and I hold near and dear for our own lives. In February, I finished my Bible Study series, Fear to Faith.

I published Fear to Faith Feb 2. It is one of my most listened to series in 2020. Many of us are learning to shift from fear to faith. I find the divine downloads I received incredible to publish the series, and my e-book on Amazon a little over a month before our whole world changed.

Not only that, but If you would have told me last month, last week, seven years ago, that I would be writing a bible study, a devotional, I would have told you that you are crazy.

And yet, here I am sharing my second one with you. Devaluing to Purity is part 2 of a 7 part series.

Sneak Peek to Devaluing to Purity:

Fighting for Freedom: a 40 Day Devotional

A series of messes to a message. A series of tests to testimonies.

Fighting for freedom in all ways, all things and all forms.

What I have learned is this, friend. God is unpredictable.

So, is our time and lives on the planet.

This year more than ever, I have learned I am not in control. I have learned I am a co-creator and co-pilot. I may be given dreams and desires, yet the how, way, and timing isn't up to me 100%. I seek guidance and do my part continuously.

Whether you have joined me on this journey before, tuned in to the Fear to Faith series, completed the Bible Study: Fear to Faith, or you are joining me for the first time - Welcome.

I pray that God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit lead You. I pray you are clear and walk in faith and purity towards who you are created to be.

As they have spoken to me through countless teachers from the womb until now. Be clear, friend.

I have zero degrees in Biblical studies or seminary. Yet, here I am. I have countless experiences with God and in life. I have taken countless studies in many ways.

God has pursued me deeply and profoundly at each and every turn. I am truly like the 1 sheep he leaves the 99 for, repeatedly. From childhood studies in Catholic Church Education to Vacation Bible Schools to speaking to me in every way and every teacher to studies with Beth Moore, Priscilla Shirer, Louie Giglio, Pastor Mike Todd and so many more.

I am abundantly blessed. What I know is this. I am grateful for each and every co-creator that shared their story & voice. I am grateful for every creation, transformation, and inspiration.

I know some of you may have found me or this site because of wellness, lifestyle, media, and/or travel. Perhaps you found us via an article on social media, smoothies, or scaling?

You may believe God or you may not.

However, please know the foundation of FIT Life Creation right down to the name is God's. God is in my business. (FIT stands for Follow Love in All We Do, Impact People, and Transform the Mind). The acronym ties to 1 John 4:7, Mark 12:30, and Romans 12:2.

Every single thing I share is prayed about and divinely directed, I pray for wisdom and alignment every day, among many other prayers. I learned from years of excluding God what a mistake that was.

So, now I include God in everything.

God is in every bit of my business.

I pray you to let Him in every part of your life and business.

Photo Credit: Lyndsey Hobby Atlanta

I have realized over the last several years the message that God wants me to share is freedom, creation, transformation, and inspiration. Pointing back to God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit in every way.

You will find like I have found my friend, that life is a tapestry of love, pain, purpose, and freedom.

As I write this, I have tears in my eyes. I have profoundly, utterly and catastrophically messed up in so many ways in life. But God.

Your creation and transformation leads to the inspiration of others.

I have learned without God, I have nothing. I have countless examples where I externally had the health, status, recognition, money, community, relationships, and it was empty without my soul being fulfilled with our Creator.

Psalms 37:4


I share my story simply to help you connect to your own. So, you know that I am a Freedom Fighter and I walk alongside our Creator and you.

And, that I have fought with Him for Freedom in every way

Create with me on this journey with

Part 2: Devaluing to Purity as I walk in and to freedom every day.

Part 2 of a 7 Part Series

Fear to Faith

Devaluing to Purity

Self Hate to Love

Corporate to Calling

Pain to Purpose

Lies to Love

Bondage to Freedom

Photo Credit: Lyndsey Hobby Atlanta

I'm a woman who has walked from devaluing myself to purity and continues to. I'm a woman who has turned countless messes to a message with Gods help.

It's time to simplify transformation in health, wealth and business so you get the results and life you love. I was once where you may be. I felt like I was in the wrong life, despite doing all the things that people told me were right.

I felt like I was in shackles spiritually, mentally, emotionally, relationally, playfully, and financially. I allowed lies, the external and the world to shape who I was. I made decisions that devalued me in every area of life.

The more I turned to the eternal, internal and freedom with our Creator, the more I am set free daily.

For years until 2013, I found myself unstable in mind, thought and deed. As a result, I devalued myself and allowed others to in every area of my life.

In my health, I was nowhere the health I wanted, always tired and over 55 pounds heavier than I am today.

In my calling and purpose for years, I found myself bouncing into different industries searching externally for the calling and riches God placed on the inside of me.

Always helping others pursue their dreams and making them seven to nine figures consistently year over year. Yet, my own self worth, health, wealth, and business were in complete chaos.

Step by step, I got clear on putting passion and purpose first to focusing on pleasing people and profits and continue to.

I remember feeling despite all my certifications and results, I was missing something deep inside. Something important, like myself and who our Creator called me to be.

The truth is, I forgot or buried so many pieces of myself deep inside. Yes, I had tons of experience in over seven industries, yet I was unclear if I had wasted my time and my life and about what it all meant.

I was continuing in the rat race and on the hamster wheel wondering how on earth was I going to pursue my passion and my purpose and transform my own life. Anyone else relates? Or am I all alone?

Deep breath.

I get it. The joy you see on my face in any pictures and the peace you hear in my voice has been missing for quite some time. Desire, drive, and determination keeps me going.

There came a point where nothing and no one spoke to my soul and spirit like our Creator, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. That's because no one on earth can speak to your soul as the Spirit does. The Creator knows His Creation.

I realized I am a multi-passionate entrepreneur. I realized I walked through these experiences so that I could transform my own journey, as well as relate to many of our journeys.

What if every single part of you, your path, and your pain has shaped you for the purpose you are put on this planet for?

That's why I'm SO passionate about helping you fight for your freedom. Freedom in All Forms. It is for Freedom Christ set us FREE. Galatians 5:1.

It is time that we walk in FREEDOM in ALL WAYS.

Photo by Arnel Hasanovic on Unsplash

Foundation Matters

As I reflect backward on my life, I recognize a lack of a firm foundation that permeated my life for years. How do I know?

Well, the lack of a firm foundation showed up in my thoughts, words, and deeds. It impacted every area of life.

The fears, the lies, and the external confused me in many ways until I learned to focus on first things first. Please know that 2019 was the first year the Holy Spirit put on my heart to read the Bible straight through. It has blessed me like nothing else. I am now on time number 2.

As I reflected on ways I devalued myself in faith, health, wealth, business, and community; I could see clearly how my foundation needed to be repaired.

How I have a a daily choice to choose walking in purity and His ways.

My prayer for you, friend is you focus on your foundation of faith and freedom this week. I pray you see where it's time for you to shift from devaluing yourself to purity. I pray you see where you have invited or allowed others to devalue you. I pray that each and every day God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit invade your heart like a flood.

I pray that you know that you are seen, heard, and loved by the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth. I pray that you know that we are here for a purpose on this planet. I pray you rise up and fight for your freedom.

I pray that He speaks to your spirit, soul, mind, and body as only our Creator can exactly how you need at this moment now. I pray this resource blesses you now at this moment on earth and to eternity.

Example of a Day in the 40 Day Devotional


Devaluing to Purity

Walking from devaluing to purity and fighting for freedom is not easy. You will feel pain and have a choice to turn pain to purpose. The more you keep your eyes, mind and heart fixed on Him; the easier it becomes.

I choose to crawl, walk or run from devaluing to purity each and every moment. I hope you choose to. What insights did you get in the preview of Devaluing to Purity: Part 2 of 7: 40 Day Devotional?

Take your next step to walk from devaluing to purity.

If you love this post, you'll love Fear to Faith: Fighting for Freedom.

Create. Transform. Inspire.

You Were Born to.



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