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How Google Paid Me for Content I Already Created

Writer's picture: Katrina JuliaKatrina Julia

Google Paid Me

Google paid me over four figures for content I already created traveling the world. I'm here to share with you friends, another reason why creating content like a boss across Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and other channels may get you paid in surprising ways you never, ever imagined.

Picture this.

I'm on over 15 influencer marketing platforms as an influencer, brand, and/or influencer management agency. Influencer marketing is one of the marketing strategies I use to find opportunities. is one of the influencer marketing platforms that work with iconic brands like Google all around the world.

My first experience with involved a video project with an app for content I created during my travel to Colombia.

So imagine my awe, wonder, surprise, and delight when reached out to me directly for this incredible project with Google for travel creators. let me know Google and YouTube wanted videos exactly like the content created on my Instagram. The brands let me choose 100 videos to submit and upload via their influencer marketing platform for the project.

Imagine my delight when they let me share, select, and submit videos I created and get paid!

Literally, all I had to do was upload the previously created videos, assign locations, descriptions, and tags and wait for them to approve them.

On top of the surprise of the project, the feeling of ease, and the flow of finances came to my PayPal account over 40 days early on Valentine's Day! Talk about love!

Thank you. Thank you to obviously thank you, thank you. Thank you to Google.

This is another way of being a limitless global girl sharing how to Create it Like a BOSS!

Stop trying to control the ways that money comes to you, stop trying to limit how it comes to you, stop trying to solely trade time for money, and operate in this scarcity flow.

This time last year, my income was less than half of what it is right now in February. I'm speaking into existence a specific figure that I haven't reached yet. Although it isn't here yet, I see the evidence of more than the amount on its way to me now. At the same time, I am experiencing current chaos, circumstances, and challenges I choose to face with calm, clarity, and clearing every step of the way.

Don't limit where you create.

How Google Paid Me

I never would have imagined Google would pay me for content I already created. I did start to pray for purpose and profits to come to me easily. I did start speaking money comes to me easily and effortlessly in every way (Prov 10:22)

Speak what you seek. Take the next step.

If you love this, you will love my influencer marketing like a boss.


Create. Transform. Inspire.

You Were Born to.

If you want to create a life of freedom,

you will love my 75+ Tools to Create a Life and Business You Love.

CREATEIT Like a Boss Show

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a month in the mastermind, a course, and/or event ticket!

@katrinajuliafit @fitlifecreation #createitgiveaway

FIT Life Creation: Lifestyle Brand: Health, Wealth, Biz in 1

Think Amazon Meets Airbnb for Transformation with

Influencer Marketing (Revolve / Like it to Knowit) and Fundraising Twist.

Creator & Travel Series Contributions for Creators

If you would love to be considered for our Travel Series, our form.

Note: We ask for personal reflections like this piece and examples below. & no mention of anything not aligned to wellness, transformation and travel.

We are a transformation brand with a mission of "FIT" Following Love in All We Do, Impacting People, and Transforming the Mind. We focus on transformation and cover wellness, marketing, business in travel to help people create a life and business they love.

If we select you, currently our pieces are for press only for blog & our show. Once we start paying for articles, we will go back to prior articles and authors and pay you for your pieces starting at $25 and growing step by step.

We will ask for :

1 Your Draft Story

2 Photos 5 Min High Quality

3 Follow Format & Spacing Like in Our Pieces

4 Submit in Word with Clear Instructions on Photos

5 Attach Photos Separately Matching Labels

6 Final Summary

7 Once we Accept, Will Ask for Voice Over for Show of Article in Your Voice

You may use Quick Time or Zencaster for Free (Do not record until we approve)

Essentially follow the template and format you see

Include After Approval:

1 Your Media Kit

2 Confirm You Will Back Link on Your Blog/Media Page & Share on Social

3 5+ High Quality Images

4 3+ Back Links to Your Platform

5 1+ External Press You Have

We invite you to explore a live podcast feature & influencer features as well.

Note that in your submission.


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