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How to Be a Warrior Woman of Faith

Writer: Katrina JuliaKatrina Julia

As the years go by, I recognize how faith is the foundation of it all. On a daily basis, I lean more on faith than ever. This one thing I have come to know that the external is unpredictable, unknown, and uncontrollable. We all learned in 2020 while having a choice to be grateful too.

If you think for a second I am anything other than a prodigal daughter of God, you would be mistaken. My life is a transformation story of a lifetime still being written. The more I live, the more I am convinced of God answering prayers and miracles happening every moment. I personally witnessed two in last two days in Colombia alone with wealth and my iPhone being stolen (and returned) in less than 15 minutes). Stay tuned for my next blog + show episode with more on this!

If a few years ago, you would have told me I would be travel to 7 Continents in the middle of a global pandemic, I would have told you that is crazy!

It is only crazy until it happens though!

As if my daily life isn't enough to leave me in awe and wonder, the fact that I have divinely downloaded How to be a Warrior Woman of Faith astounds me.

My transformation from the inside out includes a walk of Fear to Faith, Devaluing to Purity, Self Hate to Love, Corporate to Calling, Lies to Love, Pain to Purpose, and Bondage to Freedom.

Not a single area of my life is untouched with transformation from the inside out.

As I grew in my relationship with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, there are times of faith, and works along with obedience, sacrifice, and discipline. This includes prayer, fasting, and my lifestyle. My first fast was the Daniel Fast in 2010. In 2013-2014, when I realized transformation is required to create a life and business you love, I transformed my eating and lifestyle losing over 55 lbs. and keeping it off.

Jesus said to them, “This sort cannot come out by anything except by fasting and by prayer.”

One of my fasts in 2021 included fasting and prayer in Guatemala on Easter.

I believe fasting has the power to shake darkness and unleash heaven on earth.

At Bliss Land Bell Tent on my Second Day of my Fast

Warrior Woman

Being and becoming a Warrior Woman of Faith is a lifelong process. Growing our faith requires time, obedience, discipline, and patience. In 5 Ways to Grow Your Faith, I share prayer, nature, and Bible Studies to help you grow your faith too.

Through my own journey of being and becoming a Warrior Woman of Faith, I have discovered 7 Steps that are pivotal to your journey from the inside out.

Many of us picture an image like Wonder Woman when we think of Warrior Woman. This is what a Warrior Woman of Faith looks and feels like inside no matter how she appears on the outside.

7 Steps to Be a Warrior Woman of Faith

In October 2020, I attended a Captivating Retreat based on the book Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge. The four day retreat is life changing and impacting me in countless ways. As part of the experience, I received divine downloads of three phrases for my life from God including Limitless Wonder Woman, Mystical Maiden, and Warrior Woman.

In the months and the year of 2021 following the retreat, I started to increase awareness on what being and becoming a Warrior Woman means. The evolution of being a Warrior Woman starts from the inside out. As you increase your faith and works, the evidence of standing firm as a Warrior Woman reveals itself.

The journey of being and becoming a Warrior Woman never ends. Depending on the season of your life, you will experience these steps at different times or order. Your journey is your own. Embrace it.

As time goes on, these steps will overlap, compound, and multiply in your life.

The 7 Steps to Be a Warrior Woman includes:

1 Freedom

2 Vision

3 Offense

4 Defense

5 Gratitude

6 Contentment

7 Action


1 Freedom Focus

In 2018, I started to feel compelled to receive a word for the year to focus on. This aligned to an incredible book I read, Get One Word. In 2018, my word was Faith. In 2019, Freedom. In 2020, Joy. In 2021, this shifted to a phrase "I am anchored in love." In 2022, this is I am perfectly present.

I share this practice and evolution because it has dramatically impacted my focus on freedom.

The focus on freedom especially escalated in 2019. You may imagine with a word like Freedom many things in my spirit, soul, mind and body elevated exponentially.

Galatians 5:1
It is for FREEDOM that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Mark my words!

Freedom Fighting involves standing firm for freedom spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically, relationally, playfully, financially, It is eradicating beliefs and behaviors that indicate bondage. For example, when I transformed in any areas of life, this involved or involves transforming ways of thinking. When we transform ways of thinking (Romans 12:2), our actions will transform.

Whether this involved losing over 55 lbs. in 2013-2014 and keeping it off, choosing purity before marriage, shifting from corporate to calling, focusing on a journey of financial freedom, aligning relationships, and / or taking the leap of faith to travel full-time for a season, my mind transformed first to focus on freedom.

*Disclaimer: Average person who consumes Herbalife Nutrition loses average of .5 to 1 lb. a week with a healthy active lifestyle.

What area of life do you want to experience freedom in first?


2 Vision Ahead

In 2015, I realized I stopped setting a vision for my life for over 10 years. I saw firsthand the real-life implications of Proverbs 29:18.

Where there is no vision, people perish.

I realized and repented for the lack of vision. I realized how it cost me in focusing on the external.

I allowed the opinions of culture to sway the decisions I made. At the same time, all of my past is redeemed and transformed to serve the present and future. I see evidence of the transformations every single day.

In 2015, I started to receive vision. I started to see clearly for my own life, love, business, and travel. Not only that, I started to take aligned actions to move towards vision. I am in awe and wonder of what has happened since 2015. 2022 Vision: a Year Ahead will give you a glimpse of life's upcoming attractions.

Have you cast a vision for your life?


3 Offense Plan

A Warrior Woman does not leave herself wide open in a battle. Make no mistake, we are in a battle every single day in the unseen. Are you standing your ground? What is your plan of offense? In scripture, you will find extensive scriptures to help you with a plan of offense. Stand firm in your peace, power, passion, and purpose.

Proverbs 19:11
Good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is his glory to overlook an offense.

Offense may be thought of in terms of the military, team and organization as well. The types of offensive operations include contact, attack, exploitation, and pursuit. This may be in any area of life.

Are you taking the action steps in a situation? Do you take the time to discern if you are called to attack in a circumstance? Are you being exploited in an area of your life? How about choosing to multiply opportunities limitlessly? Are you taking actions to pursue your purpose?

4 Defense Plan

Defense is the act of defending yourself from attack, This may not appear as you think. It starts in the unseen realm first. A Warrior Woman is firm in faith first. It is being firm in your spirit and soul.

One of my favorite defensive scriptures is

Ephesians 6:14

Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place,
15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.
16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.
17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

The more I started to read, speak, and act out this scripture, the more my resolve started to build.

In 2021, I started to rebuke, renounce, and remove misaligned beliefs and behaviors from my life.

When you begin to develop a defensive plan taking back your power, you will be astounded at the results in every area of your life. Right now, I am focusing on maintaining areas where I am firm in faith and actions. My intensified focus in 2022 and beyond is on finances with scriptures, power, and financial freedom.

In 2020. I started to see how the power of prayer, power and presence changes everything. A defensive plan includes prayer, studies, journaling, and resolve.

In 2020, I immersed myself in learning prayers of warfare with resources like the Armor of God study by Priscilla Shirer. I wrote down powerful prayers of defense to read daily to transform my mind (Romans 12:2). I started intentionally praying and fasting in 2021 to change myself.

What defensive actions are you taking in your life?

Are you allowing life to happen to you without a plan?

It is time to take a stand.

5 Gratitude Focus

A focus on gratitude will change how you look at life. There is always something to be grateful for no matter how hard a situation, circumstance, or challenge you may be facing right now.

10 Things to Be Grateful for will get you started.

Sometimes, I will think of things I am grateful for. Other days, I will write out 10-100 Things I am grateful for in that moment. When we focus on gratitude, we are not able to focus on lack at that moment.

Phil 4:8
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

While a Warrior Woman is aware of all aspects of life, she powerfully chooses to focus on what is true, right, noble, pure, lovely, and admirable. She is aware that there is far more to be grateful for, and that what she focuses on grows.

Are you a Warrior Woman?

Will you choose your focus wisely?

6 Contentment Practice

It is easy to focus on what you desire in the future vs. what you have now. Our defaults, culture, and marketing aims to focus on our minds on what we want next. The underlying messages are "you will be happy when". That is a lie.

If we are not full of joy now, we won't be full of joy later.

I've learned that when we stay in the mindset of I will be happy when, we are never happy. We have cultivated a habit of being perpetually dissatisfied. That is why so many times when we arrive at a goal, we don't celebrate, and we find something else to be dissatisfied about.

In 2019, I recognized this about myself and decided to change it. I started focusing on prayer and practices to align to contentment no matter my circumstance. One of the ways I focused on contentment is with the Contentment Journal with Rachel Cruze. The journal includes daily contentment prompts to help you transform your thinking.

The awareness and action on contentment created a new level of freedom. I felt as if my eyes were opened for the first time. I saw how for years I focused so much on where I was heading that I missed the moment.

I recognized how I unknowingly gave away my power of the perfect present. I decided to take the power back.

Philippians 4:11-13 Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am.
I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need.
I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.

7 Action Steps

A Warrior Woman is aware and takes action to create a life, business and community she loves.

She knows faith without works is dead.

James 2:26
“For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.”

Do you own your time or does your time own you?

How are you prioritizing your life, year, and days?

Which ways do you practice self-accountability?

Who and what teams are holding you accountable?

What actions are you taking in faith, wellness, marketing, business, travel, and community?

Here is a list of action steps I shared on my Instagram.

The more you take action, the more you will start to show up as a Warrior Woman.


Warrior Woman of Faith

Being a Warrior Woman is not for the faint of heart. The beliefs and behaviors it takes will stretch every fiber of your being.

Imagine a life of freedom, vision, offense, defense, gratitude, contentment and action. What a life as a Warrior Woman feels and looks like on the other side of obedience, discipline, and transformation. It is worth it.

If you loved this, you will love Prayer for You and Our World.


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