How to Create Videos...Like a Boss
I give insight into my own transformation from the inside out, public speaking, sharing stories, my first videos, videographer insights, and tips and tools.
I also give credit and insight into influencers, bloggers, lifestyle and digital marketing experts I've learned from and/or invested like Travellushes / HeyAshleyRenne, Weekend Voyagers, Brendon Burchard , Chalene Johnson and more!

1) My Story
2) Public Speaking
3) First Videos
4) Who I've Learned From
5) Tips + Tools
6) Taking Action
(and our events)
7) Work In Process
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Short Sneak Peak
What if…
What if you focused on changing and replacing habits?
What if you celebrated your progress step by step?
What if you used lifestyle tools to help make it easier?
What if you took accountability and action to a WHOLE NEW LEVEL?
Imagine the return…
Imagine the results…
It is possible to create it. How do I know?
Because I took ALL the education and experience from industries and brands served,
and we did just that.
How did we do it?
I figured it was time to share it to serve others!
Let’s start creating from the beginning!
Let's simplify, simplify, simplify!
I am obsessed with simplifying transformation in health, wealth, and business.
To learn more about my + our FLC story, explore here.
Whether I am helping others transform mindset, health, wealth, business online, with influencers,
with industries, with speaking, with speaking, and with brand integrations, I give my all!
It was quite a journey to get here + what you see in this post
If you are here, you want to simplify too. You are inspired and have been.
Yet, you want to take action easily and effortlessly. You want life to be simpler and smoother. I. GET. IT. Reformed #complicatedhuman #selfsabatogeanyone #anyoneelsestrugglewithfear #fearoffailure #fearofsuccess
Completely illogical with the external evidence I had in all the results I created, yet when I became a full-time entrepreneur, I got to face so many fears!! I am eternally grateful because I RELATE on ALL levels!
Remember: Life is a journey!
Let's Talk...
How to Create Videos...Like a Boss
For over 15 years, I struggled with health, wealth, and integrating all the businesses I had served (>7 industries + >15 brands generating up 9 figure results per year. I bounced from role to role searching because my passion and purpose was not fulfilled and I was riddled with fears.
Once I created transformation and unleashed inspiration in how not only may I be the hero in the story, but more importantly serve others, my world and everything around it changed.
Here is to you creating a life and business you love step by step.
Create with Our Community!
Jump Start with Our
Creation Club: Mastermind
Health, Wealth, Biz in 1
If you choose to create with our community after the FREE Challenge,
12 Themes in Health, Wealth, Business
New Content Weekly in a Theme
Monthly Transformation Pack + Bonuses
Herbalife Nutrition Packs Monthly,
Wealth and Business Bonuses
Month 1: "Exponential Exposure"
Press Trips, Speaking Gigs, Affiliates and MORE!
Over $1,000 in value easily!
Month 2: All Above PLUS
Tips + Tools + Tech mentioned above are included
Along with hands on activities + how to's + behind the scenes in online + live experiences
with FIT Life Creation: Lifestyle Brand: Health, Wealth, Biz in 1
Influencer Marketing (Revolve / Like it to Knowit) and Fundraising Twist.
For upcoming events and workshops, visit
For retreats nationally and internationally, visit
Brands to learn more + ways to work together:
Want to create with our community live?!!!!!

Photo credit: @psiloveweddings
Imagine life simpler and easier...
Imagine every day with more results...
Imagine freedom in all forms...
Imagine creating what you love…
Imagine serving those you love...
Imagine the results….
You Were Born to.
Comment on what insight you had and share on social and tag a friend!
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