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Instagram Reel Types Like a Boss

Writer's picture: Katrina JuliaKatrina Julia

Welcome to Instagram Reel Types Like a Boss, which you will love to create next. As a multi-passionate entrepreneur, I struggle a lot when people say to find your niche, or do this or do that, and I'm like none of us is one person or I'm sorry, we are one person.

None of us is one thing I'm an entrepreneur, I am a beautiful, wonderful child of God, a health advocate, an online course creator, I have a podcast, I'm a Global Traveler. So I know that many of us have been taught and put into titles or put into boxes.

When Marie Forleo came out with her book everything is for a bigger and audible and started using the term which I had already been thinking about this term 'Multi-Passionate Entrepreneur' I was like that's what I am, I am a beautiful, wonderful child of God.

When people ask what do you do, I'm a multi-passionate entrepreneur, and as long as you may articulate and show that, to your blog, to your show, to your Instagram Reels to your online courses, and effectively launched that, then it is absolutely doable.

I believe it gives you the freedom to create with fun the flow without restriction. And when you look at people like Oprah, she was passionate at the beginning about sharing stories, unapologetically giving freely to people on her show.

People like JLo, you know, she was dancing freely back on Saturday Night Live showing all the things and sharing all her dancing skills. Then that morphed into her movie career that morphed into perfumes that morphed into supporting others. Look at Beyonce, she started with singing, she expressed herself fully in singing. So why not take that same approach in entrepreneurship? I mean, call me crazy but like Pastor Michael Todd says, "It's only crazy till it happens". If you have not read yet Crazy Faith, I highly recommend that and one of his saying is "Don't be crazy until it happens". So what are the 4 Instagram reels like a BOSS that will leave you reeling?

Not only will I tell you, but I will show with some Instagram Reels I created!

#1 Faith Instagram Reels

First, I'm going to highlight several different Instagram Reels that I've created around the theme of faith. I believe in God, but whether you believe in God or not, you can apply this to maybe inspiration or different things.

One of the reels that I created got a ton of views, that was a trend reel at the time, and it's continued to build views and it's continued to grow.

That's another thing with reels you inspire people who pretend to not even see you, trust me, they see you!

Another one that I posted was 'The Holy Spirit Inside of You Is Scared.' The light of the Holy Spirit inside of you scares others basically that reel got 300 views right now. So just to give you a comparison base, because I like for you to see, that there are varying things that you will see depending on the trend, on the view, when you post and when you engage data. Another one has about 2k views. That reel Britney Dawn is someone I follow. She shared one from somebody else's audio from TikTok. And it's so funny, it says you are cute, but can you pray? So these are things that resonate with my personality and those are two examples from a faith aspect that also have about 2k views. So that's from a faith aspect.

#2 Wellness Instagram Reels

Now, let's talk about Wellness. I shared 'You Are Everything I Ever Wanted' meaning avocado, and where are my avocado lovers at? It was different sandwiches that I had from a place called Sal in Antigua, Guatemala. And guys the sandwiches were so delicious and whenever you see this reel, you're going to seriously drool! So I picked a fun song with a lot fewer avocados added a fun caption and kept it super short. After that, I drew it into a call to action with our freebies. Now, it has over 2k views and counting on that one.

Another one from an aspect of wellness or self-love that's grown to about 4k views is an outdoor shower in Guatemala that I did during the glamping experience I did at Airbnb and a fasting experience that I did with Prayer with Bliss at Landbell tent and I kept it super simple. Love to shower with love. so great caption, a whole new experience, new goals hashtag vision board complete. And then I tied it into love to shower outside. So you can also see that because the thing with reels is they can grow at any point in time its evergreen content.

#3 Biz Instagram Reels

Let's get into some of my business examples. So I posted into loom with Coolio Fantastic Voyage that's totally aligned with my personality. Come along and ride on a fantastic voyage didn't do so. In the song you'll see it in the reel with me we'll be riding on a bike. So you're literally riding along on a fantastic voyage, and riding on a bike is typical of Tulum.

Then, I tied it into my weekly series on how to CREATEIT life and business you love that I'm taking you on a ride, not just on my bike. I'm sharing how to CREATEIT a life and business you love. So I tried to launch with the podcast, but with tying into the freebies into our ongoing mastermind and that has close to 1800 views now.

#4 Travel Instagram Reels

Last, but definitely not least, are Travel Instagram Reels! One of my favorite travel reels this year was on the rainbow slide in El Salvador going down a volcano on a rainbow slide. This is one of my most successful reels today. It has over 5k views and counting so almost more than my follower base so far. I picked the song Funkytown it wasn't a viral song but a song that related to me and connected to the visual of what was happening.

You'll see a ton of examples of fun trendy songs, captions, doing a voiceover of yourself, showing blog highlights, especially when it comes to travel doing travel in less than 60 seconds, doing your 1 day and top 10. Those are some of the things I've been doing and travel regularly all year behind the scenes. I've shared with you the Instagram Reel Types. Now what you want to do depending on what you're creating is a line that you launch with blogs, shows, email newsletters, into a freebie, and into an online course.

If you want more on that check out my transformation freebies like the preview to the Creation Club, mastermind, and or the blog post and our series on 75+ Tools to Create a Life and Business you Love, it will blow up your brain.

So with that, tag me on social if you love this app Katrina Julia, FIT Life Creation, leave a review on the show so I can shout out with your Instagram link or Instagram handle. And as always guys remember #create, #transform, and #inspire you are born to!

Follow along on all my videos on YouTube too!

Instagram Reels Like a Boss

What Instagram Reels have you created? Which ones will you create next? I have learned the more we create, transform, and inspire, the more things flow easily.

Start living limitlessly with faith, creation, and wonder. Express and share the love, faith, and joy with the world! Watch what happens!

If you are loving this, you will love to create with our community via the CREATEIT Online Summit , as well as my ongoing series on how I am creating a life and business I love globally.



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We are a transformation brand with a mission of "FIT" Following Love in All We Do, Impacting People, and Transforming the Mind. We focus on transformation and cover wellness, marketing, business in travel to help people create a life and business they love.

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