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Sharing and Selling On Social Media Like a Boss

Writer's picture: Katrina JuliaKatrina Julia

Are you a content creator, social media guru, or boss blogger? Do you want to share and sell on social media like a boss? Have you started aligning your services, products and online launches to social media yet?

Perhaps, you are a course creator and you’ve shared what you offer a few times on social media. Yet, you still find yourself at a loss on how to share and sell on social media like a boss.

You feel like you are missing a clear strategy, alignment, and direction for sharing and selling on social media. You see some people doing it but the strategy doesn’t seem clear to you.

You want a road map to help you line up social media, blogs, podcasts and emails for launching what you love with the world. Let's talk about sharing and selling on social media like a boss.

Photo Credit: Brett Seeley

Experiences With Social Media

My experience with social media is similar to yours. I started at ground zero. Like you, I have many experiences I could draw on and the ability to learn. If I did it, so can you.

Social Media Evolution:

2011: Leave corporate. Barely on social media & Facebook.

2013: Start using FB for Story Telling & My Wellness Transformation of losing>55

lbs. with healthy habits, Herbalife Nutrition, & competing & start helping others.

2014: My wellness business grows 25x in a year on FB alone. I started on Instagram.

2015: I begin to figure out FIT Life Creation branding & focus on wellness, media, education &

travel. I start exploring influencer marketing.

2016: I set up strategy, structure & systems online & launch online courses. I launch our live events & retreats with influencer marketing.

2017: Our online courses are coordinated with automation and integration of FB, IG, Twitter & Pinterest.

2018: I set up 12 themes for our content for social media, blogs, courses & events. I launch our podcast. I launch influencer marketing with >7+ platforms, researching 25+, and setting up our own lifestyle transformation & entrepreneurship. We work with >3,000 influencers generating >2500% ROI for the year.

2019: We continue to expand with automations & delegations with IGTV, stories, lives. Our course & online launches expand strategy with social. We work with >10,000 influencers & reach over 300 MM in reach across platforms including influencer management for influencers and brands.

In the process of all of this, I fail a ton. Yet, I make a choice to keep getting up with faith and persistence.

What I am and we are most excited about is sharing on social and creating a community centered around creators creating a life and business they love and giving back. I believe the more aligned you are to your vision, mission and purpose, your success will come.

Photo - PhotosbyBrock Atlanta

Sharing on Social Like a Boss

Sharing and selling on social doesn’t have to be hard. To keep it simple, when you share on social think of your community as your friends. How would you tell your friends about how you could help them?

It’s more important than ever to be authentic, relatable, and credible. Consider all the ways you stand out, and all you have overcome to get here and offer the solutions you do to people that need them.

If you don’t share, you are doing a disservice to those that are waiting on you.

Until several years, I myself didn't see the importance of social media and influencer marketing. When I personally experienced 25X results on Facebook alone with my before & after, I woke up, to say the least. I saw the power of story and sharing.

Let’s talk about easy ways to share and sell on social.

Step by Step Launch Plan

Share in a way that you love and you would be attracted to. Let’s say you are sharing an online course. What blog posts and podcast episodes could you share that line up to your offer? I did this recently with our blog and podcast series for creating and launching an online course in a week.

Don't stop there because not everyone will read your blog, tune in to your podcast, or open your email. Make sure you integrate your launch plan to Instagram. In my content like a boss series, I share practical steps on creating content in general for social media channels and for selling.

Some examples could include:

1) 1-5 Blog Posts

2) 1-5 Podcast Episodes

3) Daily IG Stories with hyperlink

4) 1-3 + Screencasts of blog/podcast

5) Set up IG Story Countdown for Launch

6) IGTV Videos with countdown

7) IGTV series & highlights

With the trip to Mexico, I created content like a boss by:

1) Sharing stories and lives as I go on Instagram & FB

2) Filming face to face and behind the scenes

3) Sharing a IGTV video daily

4) Repurposing the same videos for YouTube

5) Integrating videos later in the Blog & Podcast

6) Planning my feed & being spontaneous

7) Photos & Videos for Future Posts on Courses & Events & Retreats

You can see how this sets you up to share on social like a boss.

Community Over Competition

In 2020 and beyond, community is more important than ever. Even more so, offering something of value to other communities. So, if you are wanting to increase visibility to your platform, you want to set up features on your and other platforms like my features here!

Consider areas you fit in content wise to help you consider aligned publications and platforms. Honeybook fits in with entrepreneurship. In comparison, others I write for fit with wellness and travel. At every step, create community.

Did you know in today’s digital world, it takes the average person seeing something 6-8 times before they take action?

Social Media Like a Boss

Sharing and selling on social media like a boss is possible with a launch plan and community features. Don’t let anyone tell you it isn’t possible, including you. Make a choice to take action and learn at every step. Be patient with yourself and the process.

How could you take action now to share and sell on social media? Keep in mind it may take some time for your tribe to find, connect and buy from you.

Stay consistent, share what you love, and focus on creating a community. How do you give value to others? What steps resonated with you the most? How did you experience clarity for sharing and selling on social media?

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