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Through the Lens of Celia Werner: Creator Series

Writer: Katrina JuliaKatrina Julia

Welcome to our series Creator’s & Traveler's Creations!

We are sharing highlights from transformation stories and how we are creating FIT Life Creation and the community. In this Creator series feature, we are featuring Celia Werner from Celia Werner Productions.

Highlights of Story and Creations:

As a kid, I was that person who watched TV and movies for hours and hours and hours after school.

Never did I really think about how they were made, or how I could be a part of them until it was time to look at colleges.

"What do you want to do?" is always the question people receive. As someone who skated by in school with little interest in the academic subjects, it was eye-opening that there was an opportunity to grow in the photo/video industry after high school.

I got my first camera in middle school and was that kid who took photos day in and day out at school. So, when the rise of things like YouTube started coming about, I figured it was a sign that I had found the track I wanted to follow.

Photo Credit Celia Werner

The Beginning of my Entrepreneurship

My name is Celia Werner and I'm a Video Producer, Photographer, Visual Brand Consultant, Livestream Engineer, and Web Show Host - I wear a lot of hats.

I started my career while going to school at Hofstra University for a bachelors of science in Video, Television, and Film. I was taking photos and videos at Sweet 16's and Weddings on the weekend, which allowed me to make enough money to pay off my student loans before graduating.

You learn a lot about people doing event photography - how they interact, how people think about themselves, and importantly what angles make people look good.

After college, I dabbled in corporate media companies. I worked in news, I worked in reality and I did some time in on-air commercials. But the thing that got me was that I was still making more money on the weekends than I was an entire week as the low man on the totem pole at these large companies.

This is something that bothered me a lot and I was given a big decision moment when I was working on a television show and the network basically said "we'll pay you through Friday, the show is canceled."

I decided then and there I was going to be a full-time freelancer. I started networking, growing, and perfecting my skills to grow my business.

Now years later, I'm living proof that if you work hard to create the work environment you want it pays off.

Photo Credit: Celia Werner

Your Brand

My brand is Celia Werner Productions. What we do (I do?) is create high-end cinematic content for small businesses and broadcast live streaming.

I had to do a lot of thinking, testing, and practice to figure out what the best work style is for me. I've worked with literal hundreds of businesses in the last few years and it's given me the opportunity to learn the inner workings and needs of different industries. I use that to help them fix and resolve pain points in their businesses.

My brand also encompasses me as a creator. I have my own blog on Instagram which is @celia_werner and my own podcast Candid Convo's with Celia Werner.

On Instagram, I provide value to my followers by posting a combination of behind the scenes, educational content and photos of myself working. I love educating which has led to a wonderful community there.

Because of my passion for educating I started a podcast to interview different industry professionals about assorted topics to provide new perspectives and a look into different topics they may have never been exposed to.

Biggest Success Factors

My biggest success factor has all stemmed from my ability to pivot.

-The tv show is canceled? I'm going to start working freelance.

-I don't have a business background? It's time to do some online learning.

-The latest one - The world throws a pandemic at you? It's time to switch to personal branding.

Being able to adapt and learn is essentially the best way to gain knowledge and build your success.

I was taught how to produce content, how to shoot, how to edit, and even how to create a budget. Things like sales, networking, making business decisions are not what they teach you in college (unless you're a business major).

So, being proactive and going outside your comfort zone to better yourself is important. Things like money and your business can be taken away from you but your knowledge and decision making can not.

Your Challenges & How You Turned Pain into Purpose

When you start out in freelance things are hard. You don't know if/when money is coming in. You are nervous to start talking to clients. You essentially live in a land of uncertainty which is why the lifestyle is not for everyone.

Many people think it'll be a cakewalk and they can be their own boss but they don't want to put the time and work in to overcome the initial challenges.

Yea - it was scary at the beginning and yea I had to take a lot of not so great jobs at that time. But I persevered and turned those jobs into a place to network and a way to grow. You never know who is going to be on a job and how you can benefit from each other down the line.

I was working doing social media for a law office in Brooklyn - which was not the greatest of jobs - but I met a videographer that I later would partner up with and have done years of work with afterward.

Motivation is not something that's easy to find if you don't have something pushing you to do things.

In this case, my motivation was "I need to pay my rent" and that led me to pushing myself to find ways to grow my business, my brand and my life.

If I didn't push through the hard times I wouldn't be where I am today.

The other thing that was a challenge was people understanding what it was I did. Whenever I would tell people "hey I'm a videographer" they would respond "oh I'm not getting married right now, but I'll remember you" which is not what I do.

I work with businesses and only do a few weddings a season. I started posting behind the scenes and information about what I do. This educated my followers and potential clients on what I could provide, and that helped me get past the stigma of the word "videographer."

I also started addressing myself as a video producer rather than a videographer because it has a different connotation in people's heads. Once people understand what you do, that's where you can start a business relationship.

Photo Credit: Celia Werner

Actionable Tips Along the Way

1- Keep creating. No matter what keep creating some way to continue your path whether that's making videos, taking photos, singing songs - keep learning more about yourself along the way.

2- Keep learning. The more you learn the more valuable you are. Knowledge is the thing no one can ever take away from you!

3- Network Network Network - Making connections and relationships are the best ways to move forward in your career, goals, and life.


What You Think is Most Important with ?s Above

I think it's most important to invest in yourself and keep pushing to achieve your goals. Keep creating, keep being your authentic amazing self, and keep doing it for yourself. Once you're not doing it for yourself, it'll be a lot less fun.

If you keep working towards things you're passionate about, you will never work a day in your life!

Favorite Adventure

My favorite adventure changes all the time. I have the fortunate opportunity to travel a lot between my job, my lifestyle, and my family. I've been going on many trips a year since I was a baby.

One of my most memorable trips though was going on a cross country road trip with my friend right after College. My parents didn't exactly approve of me going but I wanted to see the wonderful country we live in.

I got to see everything from the farmland in Middle America to The Rocky Mountains, To The Deserts, and the Grand Canyon and went all the way to the Pacific Ocean. Seeing all the different places across the country definitely left an impression and love for different landscapes.

I have pictures and videos from that trip that I will keep for a lifetime because it is a reminder of how beautiful the world is.

Final Words for those Creating What they Love

I think that I'd just say dive in and don't wait for it to be perfect. There's a time and place for perfection but learning, creating and getting things done is a skill to learn too.

If I waited for everything to be perfect, I don't think I'd be where I am right now. I know I wouldn't get even half of the content I put out on a daily basis out if I had to wait to get every detail right.

You just need to keep trying keep learning and you'll do great.

FIT Life Creation

Creation Series: Celia Werner


Create a Life and Business You Love & Creator Series

Transformation is required to create a life and business you love in each and every area. As the Creator and CEO of FIT Life Creation, I am not immune. I am co-creating and co-writing my story with our Creator each and every moment.

Don't compare your Chapter 1 to Chapter 7, or anyone's Chapter 22 or novel. Choose to humble yourself and be an eternal student. Refine your character to believe in faith for the impossible and ground yourself to be content when results are delayed for your growth.

What did you get from this Series article?

What action will you take next?

What will you take action on in the next 90 days?

If you love this post, you'll love How Transformation is Required to Create a Life & Business You Love.

Create in Our Community

Creator Series Contributions

If you are accepted, we will require in Word form:

1 Your Story

2 Your Brand

3 Biggest Success Factors

4 Your Challenges & How You Turned Pain into Purpose

5 Actionable Tips All Along the Way

6 What You Think is Most Important with ?s Above

7 Favorite Adventure

8 Final Tips for those creating what they love

We ask for a voice over so we may feature in our podcast.

(once story is approved - do not record in advance!)

Essentially follow the template and format you see


1 Your Media Kit

2 Confirm You Will Back Link on Your Blog/Media Page

3 5+ High Quality Images

4 3+ Back Links to Your Platform

5 1+ External Press You Have


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